TheIronYard--Orlando / 2015--SUMMER--ROR

Resources and homework for the Summer 2015 Ruby on Rails cohort @TheIronYard--Orlando.
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22--Javascript-or-maybe-Yavascript--Heidi Roude #152

Open HRoude opened 9 years ago

HRoude commented 9 years ago


If you are comfortable with the how-to stuff like Treehouse and Code School, you'll be fine. The JavaScript Garden is really only for those who have some JS experience, or who want a lot of it.

Reading :

HRoude commented 9 years ago


def pitch_class note

notes = { "C" => 0, "D" => 2, "E" => 4, "F" => 5, "G" => 7, "A" => 9, "B" => 11 }

value = notes[note]

if note.length > 1 if note.include? "#" notes[note[0]] + 1 else note.include? "b" notes[note[0]] - 1 end
elsif !note.match(/^[A-G]b?#?$/) puts "nil" else note.length == 1 value end

HRoude commented 9 years ago
