TheIronYard--Orlando / FEE--2014--FALL

The Handbook for the Front End Engineering class of the Fall 2014 cohort at The Iron Yard, Orlando Campus
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17--Html-Page #262

Open Xx-Nova-xX opened 10 years ago

Xx-Nova-xX commented 10 years ago

Welcome to HTML!

The scenery sure looks familiar.

Today you learned about the bare minimum needed to define a web page with HTML. You learned a little about Hexadecimal notation (and Binary notation) and Lorem Ipsum (or "lipsum") from Meet the Ipsums. You also met a few tags: <html>, <body>, <h1> through <h6>, <p> and <style>. There are LOTS more.


h1 {
  color: red;

    <h1>Heading Level 1</h1>

    <h2>Heading Level 2</h2>

    <h3>Heading Level 3</h3>

    <h4>Heading Level 4</h4>

    <h5>Heading Level 5</h5>

    <h6>Heading Level 6</h6>

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer et nibh sit amet ligula tristique ultricies a eu augue. Etiam at sollicitudin lectus, vel condimentum elit. Donec euismod nisl pretium mauris semper dictum. Morbi lobortis, nisi in iaculis molestie, lacus elit convallis sapien, quis dictum eros velit vitae felis. Mauris ac facilisis quam, nec semper urna. Suspendisse malesuada id ligula at mollis. Vivamus aliquam semper elementum. Proin auctor ipsum vitae ex consequat mattis. Mauris molestie velit non nibh sodales ultricies. Praesent congue, neque a malesuada viverra, velit lacus tempus orci, eu viverra sapien ligula vel dui.

    Duis nec velit vel justo scelerisque faucibus ut vel est. Morbi eget magna sit amet erat pretium sodales. Pellentesque elementum ex velit, dapibus gravida elit sodales ut. Integer placerat turpis vitae luctus ultricies. Integer eu blandit tortor. Suspendisse blandit eros sit amet purus egestas, sed vulputate enim bibendum. Suspendisse pellentesque, quam sit amet consequat sodales, leo nisi porta eros, eu euismod quam sem eget sem. Pellentesque egestas ipsum quis commodo ullamcorper.

    Proin nec accumsan sem. Sed tincidunt enim id tempor dignissim. Pellentesque in orci a ligula rhoncus posuere. Nullam fringilla scelerisque tellus, quis efficitur lectus auctor quis. Pellentesque quis ullamcorper risus, non porttitor ex. Vivamus consectetur tincidunt nisl, non viverra libero cursus non. Quisque iaculis tristique purus, quis elementum eros tincidunt eu. Curabitur eget magna eu nisl pellentesque semper vel eget enim. Nam ac ex tincidunt, malesuada lorem ac, vehicula justo. Cras auctor vestibulum tortor, sed aliquam tortor vestibulum ut. Etiam varius finibus elit a laoreet. Suspendisse auctor, velit sit amet porttitor hendrerit, felis ipsum euismod lacus, et imperdiet sapien libero et nisl. Praesent tempor cursus est, vitae rutrum mi blandit sit amet. Sed facilisis tellus tortor, eu efficitur orci porta lacinia. Nulla lobortis tellus arcu, a blandit mi sollicitudin sed. Proin iaculis, neque sed suscipit luctus, lectus massa bibendum nisl, nec rhoncus ex tellus a sem.

Have you met Doodles?

Puppy kitty ipsum dolor sit good dog wet nose water aquatic dog house swimming. Aquatic bird Buddy pet supplies vaccine cat. Tabby meow left paw house train right paw feeder smooshy vaccine tongue fur ID tag bedding warm wag tail walk Snowball good boy string heel ID tag. Speak right paw tuxedo vaccine hamster wag tail mouse string kitten slobber critters tongue carrier Buddy tail. Parrot toy stay scratcher bedding canary vitamins commands toys dragging polydactyl biscuit play. Stripes collar head behavior window birds head Spike chow barky dragging slobber. Stay pet supplies teeth scratch warm Scooby snacks finch field heel kitty park wag tail feathers Scooby snacks hamster Mittens slobbery birds. Sit kibble lol catz lick Spike aquatic canary Scooby snacks scratcher paws lazy cat running run fast nap tail cage Tigger treats.

Cockatiel warm fleas aquarium lick cockatiel paws bird running. Maine Coon Cat park wag tail Mittens yawn left paw kibble critters slobber whiskers running smooshy Tigger hamster collar Rover ferret food field. Chew small animals feathers cockatiel running bed window fleas cage scratcher warm. Heel good boy play kitten aquarium parakeet chew swimming ferret foot mouse wet nose stay toy walk foot house train window feeder. Scratcher turtle tooth aquarium toys catch cat. Pet Food cockatiel food groom bird seed shake running pet supplies licks barky house train swimming collar left paw stay. Dragging dinnertime run fast parrot stripes fish head Spike kisses run fast ID tag play brush pet food grooming dog. Fleas small animals toy play dead critters paws stay string puppy.

Litter Box fetch nap lazy dog chirp polydactyl slobber Tigger birds turtle pet gate. Bird grooming small animals dinnertime whiskers cockatiel tuxedo biscuit water dog chow grooming feeder pet food roll over. Spike chow nest dragging finch fluffy fish pet supplies ball pet supplies good boy commands tail feathers bed Snowball fish bedding good boy. Teeth stay bird seed running vaccination toy Buddy stripes parakeet vaccine run fast wet nose furry carrier Tigger vaccination. Kitty wag tail dragging yawn Buddy ball bedding window fish lazy dog tabby cage smooshy vaccine water dog aquatic Tigger meow. Wag Tail head critters grooming litter box whiskers running play dead nap walk field biscuit grooming Buddy. Lazy Cat paws birds toy head polydactyl toys Snowball warm cat pet gate tooth water puppy. Bed swimming slobbery treats aquatic run scratcher house train lazy cat pet food stick Spike fleas. Park stay toys chirp shake yawn fur. Wet Nose Fido Spike groom run litter vitamins roll over walk Rover lol catz pet small animals dog carrier left paw.

Pet Food maine coon cat swimming small animals slobbery head commands treats fleas. Play teeth polydactyl Scooby snacks teeth running stripes. Kitten lazy dog throw running birds bird licks fur hamster slobbery smooshy parrot bird food dinnertime bird seed. Tooth feeder furry licks tooth feathers. Foot litter heel stick lol catz warm Buddy dragging play head lick Spike stick water chow. Lazy Dog dog house park heel bird food brush furry stay tongue speak run wet nose chew lick ball Rover. Scratch bird food finch behavior purr dinnertime sit lazy dog field heel. Aquatic dog house tongue gimme five kitty stay run fast chirp wag tail birds field leash walk left paw cockatiel lol catz lick.

Commands scratcher parrot fetch critters cage swimming vitamins running dragging tongue wagging cage canary bark chirp vitamins commands furry. Purr fetch maine coon cat bird seed fish slobbery aquatic throw Mittens Spike. Kibble feathers Fido maine coon cat toy polydactyl cockatiel cage ferret house train aquatic toy teeth sit heel paws feathers. Wag Tail Fido aquarium mouse dinnertime maine coon cat meow Spike. Stripes lick stick wagging vaccine dinnertime ID tag turtle. Gimme Five toys treats canary kibble behavior Rover fetch.

Xx-Nova-xX commented 10 years ago

Xx-Nova-xX commented 10 years ago