TheIronYard--Orlando / FEE--2014--FALL

The Handbook for the Front End Engineering class of the Fall 2014 cohort at The Iron Yard, Orlando Campus
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Closed asoper29 closed 10 years ago

asoper29 commented 10 years ago

My family enjoy scuba-diving, so nearly every school vacation, we go on a diving trip. We have noticed that there is three completely different kinds of divers. We call them the "nature lovers", the "pool guys", and the "seals". The people whom we call "nature lovers" enjoy getting in the water for a short swim to look at the rocks, seaweed and underwater creatures, which is swimming around. The "pool guys", who wear the latest hi-tech equipment, comes for a short while to have a swim and test how good their equipments are. The "seals", who wear only their swimsuits, dive in the water and disappear for what seem like hours. Each of the divers enjoy the ocean in a different way.

The "nature lovers" are the one who enjoy snorkeling around for brief periods of time. They always try to have a minimal impact on the environment. For example, their trash, or garbage, are always taken out. Taking rocks and shells are something they would never do. They are there to see, but not spoil the beauty of nature that are under water.

The "pool guys" are the divers who want to go to the beach, or ocean without ever actually leaving their backyard. They come in utility vehicles (SUVs), carrying heavy-duty wet suits, and the latest in diving masks, fins, and air tanks.

They are the ones who are so covered with equipment they can hardly see, feel, and touch the underwater environment. Comparing air tanks and wet suits are what they do most.

The "seals" are the divers who act as if they are returning back to their natural habitat. Perhaps in a "previous life", they were actually seals. Diving into the water, they hardly make a splash. As soon as they are in the water, they start poking around looking for crabs, abalone and other fish. The "seals" are the people who cooks on the beach. They are also the ones, who leaves the biggest mess. However, since they use beach wood for their fires and eat what they catch in the ocean, there are no paper or plastic packaging left behind.

My family are a combination of all three types. All my brother wants to do are try out different kinds of equipment and see how deep he can dive. As for my father, he is a "seal": swimming around and cooking his 'catch' are what he enjoy most. My mother and I are "nature lovers": swimming with snorkels and fins is fun, but neither of us have any interest in diving fifty feet down or reaching under a rock to find a slimy abalone. So, we all enjoy our diving trips in our own way.

asoper29 commented 10 years ago

Link to assignment

@bgates @al-the-x

asoper29 commented 10 years ago

Open Source JS project that I forked