TheIronYard--Orlando / FEE--2014--FALL

The Handbook for the Front End Engineering class of the Fall 2014 cohort at The Iron Yard, Orlando Campus
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34--Angularize-Me-Capn_Melissa_Malpica #432

Open mema82 opened 9 years ago

mema82 commented 9 years ago


Today we covered a lot:

I also showed you some tools and concepts:

If you haven't completed the Shaping Up with Angular JS course on CodeSchool, please do so. You should work through levels 3, 4, and 5 tonight. Play back through any levels that you still feel shaky about.

Github Profile -- Restangular Edition

Refactor your Github Profile assignment to use Angular JS and specifically the Restangular library instead of the $http service. If you're feeling intrepid, use hello.js to add a "Login with Github" button that updates the UI for the logged-in user.

Real-Time Comments

Refactor your Github Comments assignment to use Firebase via the AngularFire library, instead of the Github API. You'll need to create your own (FREE!) account, and I recommend following the Angular Quickstart tutorial, the longer AngularFire tutorial, and reading some of the Firebase Hosting documentation. You could drop your improved commenting app onto your blog for awesome real-time comments! Kinda like Disqus... Kinda.

Build me something... interesting.

In small groups of 3 or 4, use all the tools in your toolbox to build something... interesting. Invent something. You should use at least 2 public or authenticated data APIs. Please write User Stories, write them down, and estimate them. Commit frequently using the git-flow methodology. This is practice for your final projects.