Open sak55 opened 9 years ago
I'm sure all that jQuery you just learned will come in handy in day 2 of TodoMVC. See below for some other pieces of the jQuery API that might help you. On your own, build a responsive version of your Github profile. You'll need to use the Chrome Mobile Inspector to discover the mobile-adaptive view of your profile.
Keep working in your teams to complete your TodoMVC implementation with jQuery. You'll need to learn some more jQuery to complete the next set of features:
You may have noticed that Github just isn't responsive, and that really bothers me. But there are mobile views for most pages on Github... Just check out your profile page in the Chrome Mobile Inspector! Let's show 'em how it's done!
Start with HTML5 Boilerplate, use Bower to install Bootstrap, and replicate Octocat's Github profile page as a mobile-first responsive site. Pro Tip: viewing the source from Github won't help; it's a mess.
Start with a MF'g version of it, use Bootstrap to add responsive layout with the grid classes, then try adding components. If you're looking for all those Github-themed icons, check out Octicons, which works exactly how you might think.
Finally, add a simple <form>
to the bottom of the profile that looks exactly like the one at the bottom of every WIP Issue you've ever made. It doesn't need to do anything... yet. We'll wire it up tomorrow.
NOTE: I am looking for a finished product for this assignment, as we'll be building on this on Thursday.
Looks good with your outlines laying everything out, just looking for a few more commits and some :+1:'s on that PR
19 -- Even More jQuery!
19 -- Even More jQuery
(as before) (s)TIY-Assignments:feature/19--more-jquery