TheIronYard--Orlando / FEE--2015--SPRING

Class projects for the Front-End Engineering cohort of @TheIronYard--Orlando for Spring 2015
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
13 stars 7 forks source link

WhatsPup -- Carolina and Jared #356

Open carolinapowers opened 9 years ago

carolinapowers commented 9 years ago


WhatsPup provides an interface for pet sitters to update pet owners on what's up with their pets.


Stretch goals:

Tech Stack:

adamkarb commented 6 years ago

@jaredstevick should have done more work here...

TaylorFoster90 commented 6 years ago

@adamkarb I'm going to have to +1 that, I saw no contributions from @jaredstevick on Carolina's repo.