taylor helped me figure out how to get the basic contrllers coded correctly now need to incorporate the functions within the controllers
need to inject the image within the pages (using angular ?) as im sure this will help the responsiveness of the page run smoothly instead of having the background image in the scss
[x] get the audio feature on the meditate view
[x] play icon
[x] click function to play song
[x] get audio for "Thomas Newman" song for the meditate view
[x] need to figure out how to code the play and pause icons so that they stay at the center of the page no matter the viewport sizing.
[x] the padding i hacked for the play button is highlighting the button as a huge box so i need to figure out how to appropriately center the button...Manipulating the margins will eliminate the large box highlight but still need to keep that icon centered
able to click anywhere on the meditation page (except the nav header) to play the audio...dont mind this so much but would like to understand it if it has to do with the scss for centering the button or if it is the function i wrote
the lotus flower favicon did not show up like i hoped. guess i need to put the link for it in the head of the index
load time of the pages' images and the video take a while. i dont know if it has to do with the internet connection or the actual content itself
need to get nice font theme for the text and headers
still need to style the home page so that the two links are side by side and need to add additional text
Stretch Goals