TheIronYard--Orlando / ROR--2015--SPRING

Resources and homework for the Ruby on Rails cohort at @TheIronYard--Orlando for Spring 2015
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05 -- This Is Only A Test -- J. Spencer Hopkins #51

Open jspencerhopkins opened 9 years ago

jspencerhopkins commented 9 years ago

05 -- This Is Only A Test






Learning Objectives

This is more practice than learning. Solidify concepts you've seen already.

Performance Objectives

After completing this assignment, you will be able to:



We need some repetitions on the basics, and the basics are everything we've done so far.

Go to Ruby Koans and download the koans. Follow the instructions the site gives you, and work through the end of the _aboutsymbols.rb file.

That will give you practice on test assertions and method calls.

I also want you to delete your card.rb and card_test.rb files and rewrite them, incrementally, committing with good messages as you go. This to exercise the cycle of making a test-seeing it's broken-writing code to fix it. Don't try to write both files from memory in one fell swoop.

To get practice on being a developer, you'll take my English-language requirements to model a wolfpack and go through the same iterative cycle. This is the hardest part of the homework. I think I'd do this with an instructor and TA in the room.

The Wolfpack

A wolfpack is a group of wolves. A wolf has a name and an age. The leader of the wolfpack is the oldest wolf. All wolves are submissive to older wolves and dominant over younger wolves.

A wolf can join a pack. If a wolf joins a pack and becomes leader, the pack throws out the former leader.

A wolf can howl. It howls louder if it's older than 3 than if it's younger. If you call out the name of a wolf to its pack, that wolf will howl.

A wolfpack can take down different sized things depending on how big it is.

I used a lot of synonyms there in the hunting section. You don't need methods for all of them.

End of Wolfpack

It would be good if you would take what you learn from the above and use it to start on a Deck model for blackjack, because we're not done with blackjack. Ohhhhh, no.

Also and as always, you'll practice using git, and branching, committing, pushing, using GitHub to make an issue and a pull request, link to the pull request from the issue, etc.

jspencerhopkins commented 9 years ago

Dear diary (aka wikis)