TheIronYard--Orlando / ROR--2015--SPRING

Resources and homework for the Ruby on Rails cohort at @TheIronYard--Orlando for Spring 2015
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07--Methodtation - Kelly Strickland #62

Closed QueVee closed 9 years ago

QueVee commented 9 years ago

Meditate on methods.

Run through the koans up to about_iteration.rb. Try to solve every koan in a file the first time you open it, rather than letting the koans give you the answer for each one.

Go through the rest of my frequently used methods and provide an example for each one you understand. Make a separate list containing only the ones you don't understand.

As the final part of tonight's Ruby, there is at least one objective set for each of the investment club and the wolfpack that haven't been met yet. Get those finished off, and take another look at blackjack and see what progress you can make.

Last thing, we need some GitHub cleanup. Adjust each branch outside of master to contain only the files unique to that branch. Make sure you have a pull request for each of those branches connected to the issue you opened for that branch (ie that day's assignment).


Learning Objectives

You're going to get a basic vocabulary of methods and what can be done with them by writing examples, revisit the basics and see some finer points in the koans, and put the built-in methods to work writing methods in your own tests and related classes.

Performance Objectives

Clean up GitHub! One pull request per issue, connected to a branch with unique files, each pull request with two thumbs up if the code is ready for my inspection.

Knock out those koans. Only include koans into your branch once you've completed them. (Don't delete them from your directory, just have git forget about them -

Finish up the investment club and wolfpack.


a /code directory with three subdirectories: /wolf, with completed wolf_test.rb, wolfpack_test.rb, wolf.rb, and wolfpack.rb /moguls, with completed mogul_test.rb, investment_club_test.rb, mogul.rb, and investment_club.rb /koans, with only those koans in which you've made progress (finished, or at least started) a /doc directory with examples of each method from my list of frequently used methods the list you're unsure about can go in a separate file in that directory Tasks

bgates commented 9 years ago

No PR, no time to look at this again