Please ensure the query is valid by searching, otherwise please try our sample terms Atrial septal defect, Marfan Syndrome or FBN1
If you believe this is a mistake please let us know on our issue tracker.
Despite being in the current HPO "phenotype_to_genes" file:
HP:0004348 Abnormality of bone mineral density 1501 CTNND2 orphadata ORPHA:281
HP:0004348 Abnormality of bone mineral density 7461 CLIP2 orphadata ORPHA:904 and maybe others give error pages reporting per:
Despite being in the current HPO "phenotype_to_genes" file: HP:0004348 Abnormality of bone mineral density 1501 CTNND2 orphadata ORPHA:281 HP:0004348 Abnormality of bone mineral density 7461 CLIP2 orphadata ORPHA:904
These genes also do not show up on the "Abnormality of bone mineral density" page list of genes: