TheJaredWilcurt / vue-doxen

The world's best Vue.js component documentation tool
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Linting/error catching in demos #13

Open TheJaredWilcurt opened 2 months ago

TheJaredWilcurt commented 2 months ago

Usage would look like this:

  1. Create this file: /scripts/documentationLinter.js.

    import { doxenLinter } from 'vue-doxen';
    import { demos } from '../src/demos/index.js';
    import { options } from '../src/demos/options.js';
    const linterSettings = {
     demos: {
       allPropsMustHave: {
         // key must be on the object (can be set to undefined)
         allowed: false,
         // key must be on the object (can be set to undefined)
         description: true,
         // key must be on the object (can be set to undefined)
         example: false,
         // must have either a required: true or a default key on the object
         requiredOrDefault: true,
         // key must be on the object (can be set to undefined)
         type: true,
         // key must be on the object (can be set to undefined)
         validator: false
       // Requires a name be defined on the component
       componentMustBeNamed: true,
       // Warns when description on a demo page does not end in a period.
       // Ignores custom component descriptions, missing or empty strings
       descriptionMustEndInPeriod: true,
       // Requires a description (string or custom component) on all
       // demos and/or components. (can be set to undefined)
       mustHaveDescription: true,
       // Requires an import statement (string or custom component) on all
       // demos and/or components. (can be set to undefined)
       mustHaveImportStatemnet: false,
       // If using custom components, they must be imported in a demo object,
       // rather than in the component being demo'd to avoid file size bloat. 
       noCustomComponentsInComponent: true,
       // If passing in a demo object, it must include the component to demo
       demosMustHaveComponent: true,
       // For emits: ['str'] in a component,
       // if you make it an object, that is not allowed by Vue's API
       doNotBreakVueApi: true,
       // You can define many settings in both the Demo or in the Component.
       // If enabled, this setting warns you about duplicates.
       noDuplicateSettings: true,
       // Your demos object must not have any top-level components
       onlyAllowDemoObjects: true
     options: {
       // If enabled, requires that all built-in components are replaced with custom ones (not recommended)
       allComponentsMustBeReplaced: false,
       // If enabled, warns about missing required components (strongly recommended)
       noMissingComponents: true
    // Throws if linting does not pass
    doxenLinter({ demos, options, linterSettings });
  2. In your package.json add to the scripts section:
     "scripts": {
       "lint:docs": "node ./scripts/documentationLinter.js"
  3. You could then add npm run lint:demos into your CI tool, or update your main lint script:
     "scripts": {
       "lint": "npm run lint:js && npm run lint:docs"
       "lint:js": "eslint"
       "lint:docs": "node ./scripts/documentationLinter.js"

Not sure what other linting rules would be useful.

TheJaredWilcurt commented 1 month ago

The PR for this issue should: