TheKibaInu / kibaswap_alpha

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Bug Reports in the code from TheKibaInu Github #11

Open DimaKovalenko17 opened 1 year ago

DimaKovalenko17 commented 1 year ago

name: Bug Reports Bugs and vulnerabilities in the code. Here I have collected most of the code. I have written errors and vulnerabilities in it. my email is Telegram - @dmitry_1701

/ eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires / const { VanillaExtractPlugin } = require('@vanilla-extract/webpack-plugin') const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin') const { DefinePlugin } = require('webpack')

const commitHash = require('child_process').execSync('git rev-parse HEAD')

module.exports = {   babel: {     plugins: ['@vanilla-extract/babel-plugin'],   },   webpack: {     plugins: [       new VanillaExtractPlugin(),       new DefinePlugin({         'process.env.REACT_APP_GIT_COMMIT_HASH': JSON.stringify(commitHash.toString()),       }),     ],     configure: (webpackConfig) => {       const instanceOfMiniCssExtractPlugin = webpackConfig.plugins.find(         (plugin) => plugin instanceof MiniCssExtractPlugin       )       if (instanceOfMiniCssExtractPlugin !== undefined) instanceOfMiniCssExtractPlugin.options.ignoreOrder = true       return webpackConfig     },   }, }


Based on the code provided, here are a few potential vulnerabilities and bugs to consider:

  1. Insecure Git Commit Hash Retrieval: The code retrieves the Git commit hash using the child_process module, a security vulnerability.

  2. Lack of Input Validation: The code does not perform any input validation or sanitization on the commitHash variable obtained from the Git command.

  3. Missing Error Handling: The code does not handle any errors that may occur during the execution of the Git command or any other parts of the code.

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'

import { AutoColumn } from 'components/Column' import { DarkCard } from 'components/Card' import Loader from 'components/Loader' import { TYPE } from 'theme' import  bridgeicon  from '../../../assets/images/bridgeicon.png' import { isMobile } from 'react-device-detect' import styled from 'styled-components/macro' import { useIsDarkMode } from 'state/user/hooks' import useTheme from 'hooks/useTheme'

/tslint-disable/ /eslint-disable/ declare global {     namespace JSX {         interface IntrinsicElements {             'stargate-widget': any; // The 'any' just for testing purposes         }     } }

export const useScript = (url: string, name: string): any => {

    const [lib, setLib] = useState({})

    useEffect(() => {         const script = document.createElement('script')

        script.src = url         script.async = true         script.onload = () => setLib({ [name]: window[name as any] })


        return () => {             document.body.removeChild(script)         }     }, [url])

    return lib


const Wrapper = styled.div     .MuiScopedCssBaseline-root {         background:${prop => prop.theme.bg0} !important;     }

export const Bridge = () => {     const isDarkMode = useIsDarkMode()     const themeVal = useTheme()

    const theme = React.useMemo(() => isDarkMode ? 'dark' : 'light', [isDarkMode])     const { stargate } = useScript("", "stargate")     let content: JSX.Element;     if (!stargate) {         content = <div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', height: 300 }}>

    } else {         content = <stargate-widget             // tenthBps={25}             // partnerId={0}             // feeCollector={'0xa2bDF890E70d3468dF5EFB50D1C1117CD937E6E5'}             theme={theme} />     }

    return <DarkCard style={{ maxWidth: 600, color: themeVal.text1 }}>                                                     <img               width={isMobile ? '10px' : '20px'}               src={bridgeicon}               margin-right='10px'                           />                       Kiba Crosschain Bridge                 </TYPE.small>                                     {content}                                        


  1. Insecure script loading: The useScript hook dynamically loads a script from a URL provided as an argument.

  2. Incomplete error handling: The code includes a loader component to display while the script is being loaded.

  3. injection vulnerabilities: The code uses the url variable directly in the script source without any validation or sanitization.

  4. Insecure usage of any type: The declaration of IntrinsicElements in the global namespace includes an any type for the stargate-widget .

  5. Styling vulnerabilities: The code applies styles directly to the MuiScopedCssBaseline-root class

  6. Potential security risks in the bridge script: The code loads an external script from a remote URL.

import React from 'react' import styled from 'styled-components/macro' import useCopyClipboard from '../../hooks/useCopyClipboard'

import { LinkStyledButton } from '../../theme' import { CheckCircle, Copy } from 'react-feather' import { Trans } from '@lingui/macro'

const CopyIcon = styled(LinkStyledButton)   color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text1};   flex-shrink: 0;   display: flex;   text-decoration: none;   font-size: 0.825rem;   background:transparent;   :hover,   :active,   :focus {     text-decoration: none;     color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text2};   } const TransactionStatusText = styled.span   margin-left: 0.25rem;   font-size: 0.825rem;   ${({ theme }) => theme.flexRowNoWrap};   align-items: center;

export default function CopyHelper(props: { toCopy: string; children?: React.ReactNode }) {   const [isCopied, setCopied] = useCopyClipboard()

  return (     <CopyIcon onClick={() => setCopied(props.toCopy)}>       {isCopied ? (                   <CheckCircle size={'16'} />                       Copied                         ) : (                   <Copy size={'16'} />               )}       {isCopied ? '' : props.children}       ) }

  1. Insecure handling of user input: The toCopy prop is passed directly to the setCopied function without any validation or sanitization. .

  2. Incomplete error handling: The code does not handle any errors that may occur during the copy operation.

  3. Accessibility concerns: The copy icon is wrapped inside a button element, but it does not have an accessible label for screen readers.

  4. Nested TransactionStatusText component: The TransactionStatusText component is nested within another TransactionStatusText component, which may not be necessary and can lead to unexpected behavior or styling issues.

  5. Dependency vulnerabilities: such as styled-components , react-feather , and @lingui/macro import { ExplorerDataType, getExplorerLink } from '../../utils/getExplorerLink' import { ExternalLink, LinkStyledButton, TYPE } from '../../theme' import React, { useCallback, useContext } from 'react' import { fortmatic, injected, portis, walletconnect, walletlink } from '../../connectors' import styled, { ThemeContext } from 'styled-components/macro'

import { AutoRow } from '../Row' import { ButtonSecondary } from '../Button' import { ReactComponent as Close } from '../../assets/images/x.svg' import CoinbaseWalletIcon from '../../assets/images/coinbaseWalletIcon.svg' import Copy from './Copy' import FortmaticIcon from '../../assets/images/fortmaticIcon.png' import Identicon from '../Identicon' import { ExternalLink as LinkIcon } from 'react-feather' import PortisIcon from '../../assets/images/portisIcon.png' import { SUPPORTED_WALLETS } from '../../constants/wallet' import { Trans } from '@lingui/macro' import Transaction from './Transaction' import WalletConnectIcon from '../../assets/images/walletConnectIcon.svg' import { clearAllTransactions } from '../../state/transactions/actions' import { shortenAddress } from '../../utils' import { useActiveWeb3React } from '../../hooks/web3' import { useAppDispatch } from 'state/hooks' import { useWeb3React } from '@web3-react/core' import { InjectedConnector } from '@web3-react/injected-connector' import { disconnect } from 'process'

const HeaderRow = styled.div   ${({ theme }) => theme.flexRowNoWrap};   padding: 1rem 1rem;   font-weight: 500;   color: ${(props) => (props.color === 'blue' ? ({ theme }) => theme.primary1 : ({ theme }) => theme.text1)};   ${({ theme }) => theme.mediaWidth.upToMedium     padding: 1rem;   };

const UpperSection = styled.div`   position: relative;   background: ${({ theme }) => theme.bg0};

  h5 {     margin: 0;     margin-bottom: 0.5rem;     font-size: 1rem;     font-weight: 400;   }

  h5:last-child {     margin-bottom: 0px;   }

  h4 {     margin-top: 0;     font-weight: 500;   }


const InfoCard = styled.div   padding: 1rem;   border: 1px solid ${({ theme }) => theme.bg3};   border-radius: 20px;   position: relative;   display: grid;   grid-row-gap: 12px;   margin-bottom: 20px;

const AccountGroupingRow = styled.div`   ${({ theme }) => theme.flexRowNoWrap};   justify-content: space-between;   align-items: center;   font-weight: 400;   color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text1};

  div {     ${({ theme }) => theme.flexRowNoWrap}     align-items: center;   } `

const AccountSection = styled.div   padding: 0rem 1rem;   ${({ theme }) => theme.mediaWidth.upToMediumpadding: 0rem 1rem 1.5rem 1rem;};

const YourAccount = styled.div`   h5 {     margin: 0 0 1rem 0;     font-weight: 400;   }

  h4 {     margin: 0;     font-weight: 500;   } `

const LowerSection = styled.div`   ${({ theme }) => theme.flexColumnNoWrap}   padding: 1.5rem;   flex-grow: 1;   overflow: auto;   background-color: ${({ theme }) => theme.bg3};   border-bottom-left-radius: 20px;   border-bottom-right-radius: 20px;

  h5 {     margin: 0;     font-weight: 400;     color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text3};   } `

const AccountControl = styled.div`   display: flex;   justify-content: space-between;   min-width: 0;   width: 100%;

  font-weight: 500;   font-size: 1.25rem;

  a:hover {     text-decoration: underline;   }

  p {     min-width: 0;     margin: 0;     overflow: hidden;     text-overflow: ellipsis;     white-space: nowrap;   } `

const AddressLink = styled(ExternalLink) <{ hasENS: boolean; isENS: boolean }>   font-size: 0.825rem;   color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text3};   margin-left: 1rem;   font-size: 0.825rem;   display: flex;   :hover {     color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text2};   }

const CloseIcon = styled.div   position: absolute;   right: 1rem;   top: 14px;   &:hover {     cursor: pointer;     opacity: 0.6;   }

const CloseColor = styled(Close)   path {     stroke: ${({ theme }) => theme.text4};   }

const WalletName = styled.div   width: initial;   font-size: 0.825rem;   font-weight: 500;   color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text3};

const IconWrapper = styled.div<{ size?: number }>   ${({ theme }) => theme.flexColumnNoWrap};   align-items: center;   justify-content: center;   margin-right: 8px;   & > img,   span {     height: ${({ size }) => (size ? size + 'px' : '32px')};     width: ${({ size }) => (size ? size + 'px' : '32px')};   }   ${({ theme }) => theme.mediaWidth.upToMedium     align-items: flex-end;   };

const TransactionListWrapper = styled.div   ${({ theme }) => theme.flexColumnNoWrap};

const WalletAction = styled(ButtonSecondary)   width: fit-content;   font-weight: 400;   margin-left: 8px;   font-size: 0.825rem;   padding: 4px 6px;   :hover {     cursor: pointer;     text-decoration: underline;   }

const MainWalletAction = styled(WalletAction)   color: ${({ theme }) => theme.primary1};

function renderTransactions(transactions: string[]) {   return (           {, i) => {         return       })}       ) }

interface AccountDetailsProps {   toggleWalletModal: () => void   pendingTransactions: string[]   confirmedTransactions: string[]   ENSName?: string   openOptions: () => void }

export default function AccountDetails({   toggleWalletModal,   pendingTransactions,   confirmedTransactions,   ENSName,   openOptions, }: AccountDetailsProps) {   const { chainId, account, connector, library, deactivate } = useActiveWeb3React()   const theme = useContext(ThemeContext)   const dispatch = useAppDispatch()

  function formatConnectorName() {     const { ethereum } = window     const isMetaMask = !!(ethereum && ethereum.isMetaMask)     const name = Object.keys(SUPPORTED_WALLETS)       .filter(         (k) =>           SUPPORTED_WALLETS[k].connector === connector && (connector !== injected || isMetaMask === (k === 'METAMASK'))       )       .map((k) => SUPPORTED_WALLETS[k].name)[0]     return (               Connected with {name}           )   }

  function getStatusIcon() {     if (connector === injected) {       return (                                 )     } else if (connector === walletconnect) {       return (                   <img src={WalletConnectIcon} alt={'WalletConnect logo'} />               )     } else if (connector === walletlink) {       return (                   <img src={CoinbaseWalletIcon} alt={'Coinbase Wallet logo'} />               )     } else if (connector === fortmatic) {       return (                   <img src={FortmaticIcon} alt={'Fortmatic logo'} />               )     } else if (connector === portis) {       return (         <>                       <img src={PortisIcon} alt={'Portis logo'} />             <MainWalletAction               onClick={() => {                 portis.portis.showPortis()               }}             >               Show Portis                               </>       )     }     return null   }

  const clearAllTransactionsCallback = useCallback(() => {     if (chainId) dispatch(clearAllTransactions({ chainId }))   }, [dispatch, chainId])

  return (     <>                                                   Account                                                                     {formatConnectorName()}                

                  {library?.provider && connector && (                     <WalletAction                       style={{ marginRight: '8px' }}                       onClick={() => {                         console.log(connector);                         if (connector === injected) {                           deactivate();                         } else {                           (connector as any).close();                         }                       }}                     >                       Disconnect                                       )}                   <WalletAction                     style={{ fontSize: '.825rem', fontWeight: 400 }}                     onClick={() => {                       openOptions()                     }}                   >                     Change                                  
                                                              {ENSName ? (                     <>                      


                    </>                   ) : (                     <>                      

{account && shortenAddress(account)}

                    </>                   )}                
                              {ENSName ? (                   <>                                          
                        {account && (                                                       <span style={{ marginLeft: '4px' }}>                               Copy Address                                                                               )}                         {chainId && account && (                           <AddressLink                             hasENS={!!ENSName}                             isENS={true}                             href={getExplorerLink(chainId, ENSName, ExplorerDataType.ADDRESS)}                           >                                                         <span style={{ marginLeft: '4px' }}>                               View on Explorer                                                                               )}                      
                  </>                 ) : (                   <>                                          
                        {account && (                                                       <span style={{ marginLeft: '4px' }}>                               Copy Address                                                                               )}                         {chainId && account && (                           <AddressLink                             hasENS={!!ENSName}                             isENS={false}                             href={getExplorerLink(chainId, account, ExplorerDataType.ADDRESS)}                           >                                                         <span style={{ marginLeft: '4px' }}>                               View on Explorer                                                                               )}                      
                  </>                 )}              
                                          {!!pendingTransactions.length || !!confirmedTransactions.length ? (                   <AutoRow mb={'1rem'} style={{ justifyContent: 'space-between' }}>                           Recent Transactions             </TYPE.body>                           (clear all)                                 {renderTransactions(pendingTransactions)}           {renderTransactions(confirmedTransactions)}               ) : (                               Your transactions will appear here...           </TYPE.body>               )}     </>   ) }

  1. Insecure handling of user input: The code uses the toCopy prop passed to the Copy component without any validation or sanitization.

  2. Insecure handling of external links: The code uses the ExternalLink component to render links to external explorers.

  3. Unhandled errors: The code does not handle any errors that may occur during the copy operation or when interacting with the wallet connectors.

  4. Dependency vulnerabilities: It is important to ensure that all dependencies, such as styled-components , react-feather , and @lingui/macro

  5. Accessibility concerns: The code does not provide accessible labels for screen readers for certain elements

import { CheckCircle, Triangle } from 'react-feather' import { ExplorerDataType, getExplorerLink } from '../../utils/getExplorerLink'

import { ExternalLink } from '../../theme' import Loader from '../Loader' import { RowFixed } from '../Row' import styled from 'styled-components/macro' import { useActiveWeb3React } from '../../hooks/web3' import { useAllTransactions } from '../../state/transactions/hooks'

const TransactionWrapper = styled.div``

const TransactionStatusText = styled.div   margin-right: 0.5rem;   display: flex;   align-items: center;   :hover {     text-decoration: underline;   }

const TransactionState = styled(ExternalLink)<{ pending: boolean; success?: boolean }>   display: flex;   justify-content: space-between;   align-items: center;   text-decoration: none !important;   border-radius: 0.5rem;   padding: 0.25rem 0rem;   font-weight: 500;   font-size: 0.825rem;   color: ${({ theme }) => theme.primary1};

const IconWrapper = styled.div<{ pending: boolean; success?: boolean }>   color: ${({ pending, success, theme }) => (pending ? theme.primary1 : success ? theme.green1 : theme.red1)};

export default function Transaction({ hash, style = {} }: { hash: string, style?: any }) {   const { chainId } = useActiveWeb3React()   const allTransactions = useAllTransactions()

  const tx = allTransactions?.[hash]   const summary = tx?.summary   const pending = !tx?.receipt   const success = !pending && tx && (tx.receipt?.status === 1 || typeof tx.receipt?.status === 'undefined')

  if (!chainId) return null

  return (           <TransactionState         href={getExplorerLink(chainId, hash, ExplorerDataType.TRANSACTION)}         pending={pending}         success={success}       >                   {summary ?? hash} ↗                           {pending ? : success ? : }                     ) }

Unused imports: The code imports several dependencies, such as injected , portis , walletconnect , and walletlink

  1. Insecure handling of user input: The hash prop is used directly in the getExplorerLink function

  2. Insecure handling of external links: The code uses the ExternalLink component to render a link to an external explorer.

  3. Unused imports: The code imports the CheckCircle and Triangle components from react-feather.

  4. Dependency vulnerabilities: It is important to ensure that all dependencies,

  5. Accessibility concerns: The code does not provide an accessible label for screen readers for the transaction status text.

  6. Use of style prop: The code accepts a style prop to apply additional styles to the TransactionWrapper component.

import { ExplorerDataType, getExplorerLink } from '../../utils/getExplorerLink' import { ExternalLink, TYPE } from '../../theme' import { ReactNode, useCallback, useContext, useState } from 'react' import { Trans, t } from '@lingui/macro' import styled, { ThemeContext } from 'styled-components/macro'

import { AutoColumn } from '../Column' import { RowBetween } from '../Row' import Select from 'react-select' import { useActiveWeb3React } from '../../hooks/web3' import { useAddressManager } from 'components/AddressManager' import useENS from '../../hooks/useENS'

const SelectItem = styled(Select)   color:#222 !important;   z-index: 1000;   >

const InputPanel = styled.div   ${({ theme }) => theme.flexColumnNoWrap}   position: relative;   border-radius: 1.25rem;   background-color: ${({ theme }) => theme.bg1};   z-index: 1;   width: 100%;

const ContainerRow = styled.div<{ error: boolean }>   display: flex;   justify-content: center;   align-items: center;   border-radius: 1.25rem;   border: 1px solid ${({ error, theme }) => (error ? theme.red1 : theme.bg2)};   transition: border-color 300ms ${({ error }) => (error ? 'step-end' : 'step-start')},     color 500ms ${({ error }) => (error ? 'step-end' : 'step-start')};   background-color: ${({ theme }) => theme.bg1};

const InputContainer = styled.div   flex: 1;   padding: 1rem;

const Input = styled.input<{ error?: boolean }>`   font-size: 1rem;   outline: none;   border: none;   flex: 1 1 auto;   width: 0;   background-color: ${({ theme }) => theme.bg0};   transition: color 300ms ${({ error }) => (error ? 'step-end' : 'step-start')};   color: ${({ error, theme }) => (error ? theme.red1 : theme.text1)};   overflow: hidden;   text-overflow: ellipsis;   font-weight: 500;   width: 100%;   ::placeholder {     color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text4};   }   padding: 5px;   -webkit-appearance: textfield;

  ::-webkit-search-decoration {     -webkit-appearance: none;   }

  ::-webkit-outer-spin-button,   ::-webkit-inner-spin-button {     -webkit-appearance: none;   }

  ::placeholder {     color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text4};   } `

export default function AddressInputPanel({   id,   className = 'recipient-address-input',   label,   placeholder,   value,   onChange, }: {   id?: string   className?: string   label?: ReactNode   placeholder?: string   // the typed string value   value: string   // triggers whenever the typed value changes   onChange: (value: string) => void }) {   const { chainId } = useActiveWeb3React()   const theme = useContext(ThemeContext)

  const { address, loading, name } = useENS(value)

  const handleInput = useCallback(     (event) => {       const input =       const withoutSpaces = input.replace(/\s+/g, '')       onChange(withoutSpaces)     },     [onChange]   )

  const error = Boolean(value?.length > 0 && !loading && !address)

  const [addresses,] = useAddressManager()   const [useManual, setUseManual] = useState(false)   function styleFn(provided: any, state: any) {     return { ...provided, color: theme.text1, background: theme.bg0 };   }   const styles = {     singleValue: {       color: theme.text1,       background: theme.bg0     }   }

  return (                                                                       {label ?? Recipient}                 {addresses.length > 0 &&                   < onClick={() => {                     setUseManual(!useManual)                   }}>{useManual ? 'Switch to Select' : 'Switch to Input'}</>                 }               </>

              {address && chainId && (                 <ExternalLink                   href={getExplorerLink(chainId, name ?? address, ExplorerDataType.ADDRESS)}                   style={{ fontSize: '14px' }}                 >                   (View on Explorer)                               )}                         {Boolean(addresses.length == 0 || useManual) && <Input               className={className}               type="text"               autoComplete="off"               autoCorrect="off"               autoCapitalize="off"               spellCheck="false"               placeholder={placeholder ?? tWallet Address or ENS name}               error={error}               pattern="^(0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40})$"               onChange={handleInput}               value={value}             />}

            {Boolean(addresses.length > 0 && !useManual) && (               <SelectItem theme={theme} options={addresses} onChange={(e: any) => onChange(e.value as any)} value={addresses.find((item) => item.value?.toLowerCase() === value?.toLowerCase())} />             )}                               ) }

  1. Insecure handling of user input: The value prop is used directly in the useENS hook without any validation or sanitization.

  2. Insecure handling of external links: The code uses the ExternalLink component to render a link to an external explorer.

  3. Potential XSS vulnerability: The label prop is rendered as a ReactNode without any sanitization.

  4. Insecure handling of select options: The addresses prop used in the SelectItem component is assumed to be safe.

  5. Dependency vulnerabilities: It is important to ensure that all dependencies, such as styled-components and react-select , are up to date to mitigate any known vulnerabilities.

  6. Accessibility concerns: The code does not provide accessible labels for screen readers for the input field and select component. Adding appropriate aria-label attributes can improve accessibility.

  7. Potential performance issue: The code uses the useCallback hook without specifying any dependencies.

  8. Unused variables: The styles variable is defined but not used in the component.

DimaKovalenko17 commented 1 year ago

name: Bug Reports Bugs and vulnerabilities in the code. Here I have collected most of the code. I have written errors and vulnerabilities in it. my email is Telegram - @dmitry_1701

/ eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires / const { VanillaExtractPlugin } = require('@vanilla-extract/webpack-plugin') const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin') const { DefinePlugin } = require('webpack')

const commitHash = require('child_process').execSync('git rev-parse HEAD')

module.exports = {   babel: {     plugins: ['@vanilla-extract/babel-plugin'],   },   webpack: {     plugins: [       new VanillaExtractPlugin(),       new DefinePlugin({         'process.env.REACT_APP_GIT_COMMIT_HASH': JSON.stringify(commitHash.toString()),       }),     ],     configure: (webpackConfig) => {       const instanceOfMiniCssExtractPlugin = webpackConfig.plugins.find(         (plugin) => plugin instanceof MiniCssExtractPlugin       )       if (instanceOfMiniCssExtractPlugin !== undefined) instanceOfMiniCssExtractPlugin.options.ignoreOrder = true       return webpackConfig     },   }, }


Based on the code provided, here are a few potential vulnerabilities and bugs to consider:

  1. Insecure Git Commit Hash Retrieval: The code retrieves the Git commit hash using the child_process module, a security vulnerability.
  2. Lack of Input Validation: The code does not perform any input validation or sanitization on the commitHash variable obtained from the Git command.
  3. Missing Error Handling: The code does not handle any errors that may occur during the execution of the Git command or any other parts of the code.

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'

import { AutoColumn } from 'components/Column' import { DarkCard } from 'components/Card' import Loader from 'components/Loader' import { TYPE } from 'theme' import  bridgeicon  from '../../../assets/images/bridgeicon.png' import { isMobile } from 'react-device-detect' import styled from 'styled-components/macro' import { useIsDarkMode } from 'state/user/hooks' import useTheme from 'hooks/useTheme'

/tslint-disable/ /eslint-disable/ declare global {     namespace JSX {         interface IntrinsicElements {             'stargate-widget': any; // The 'any' just for testing purposes         }     } }

export const useScript = (url: string, name: string): any => {

    const [lib, setLib] = useState({})

    useEffect(() => {         const script = document.createElement('script')

        script.src = url         script.async = true         script.onload = () => setLib({ [name]: window[name as any] })


        return () => {             document.body.removeChild(script)         }     }, [url])

    return lib


const Wrapper = styled.div    .MuiScopedCssBaseline-root {         background:${prop => prop.theme.bg0} !important;     }

export const Bridge = () => {     const isDarkMode = useIsDarkMode()     const themeVal = useTheme()

    const theme = React.useMemo(() => isDarkMode ? 'dark' : 'light', [isDarkMode])     const { stargate } = useScript("", "stargate")     let content: JSX.Element;     if (!stargate) {         content = <div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', height: 300 }}>     } else {         content = <stargate-widget             // tenthBps={25}             // partnerId={0}             // feeCollector={'0xa2bDF890E70d3468dF5EFB50D1C1117CD937E6E5'}             theme={theme} />     }

    return <DarkCard style={{ maxWidth: 600, color: themeVal.text1 }}>                                                     <img               width={isMobile ? '10px' : '20px'}               src={bridgeicon}               margin-right='10px'                           />                       Kiba Crosschain Bridge                 </TYPE.small>                                     {content}                                        


  1. Insecure script loading: The useScript hook dynamically loads a script from a URL provided as an argument.
  2. Incomplete error handling: The code includes a loader component to display while the script is being loaded.
  3. injection vulnerabilities: The code uses the url variable directly in the script source without any validation or sanitization.
  4. Insecure usage of any type: The declaration of IntrinsicElements in the global namespace includes an any type for the stargate-widget .
  5. Styling vulnerabilities: The code applies styles directly to the MuiScopedCssBaseline-root class
  6. Potential security risks in the bridge script: The code loads an external script from a remote URL.

import React from 'react' import styled from 'styled-components/macro' import useCopyClipboard from '../../hooks/useCopyClipboard'

import { LinkStyledButton } from '../../theme' import { CheckCircle, Copy } from 'react-feather' import { Trans } from '@lingui/macro'

const CopyIcon = styled(LinkStyledButton)  color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text1};   flex-shrink: 0;   display: flex;   text-decoration: none;   font-size: 0.825rem;   background:transparent;   :hover,   :active,   :focus {     text-decoration: none;     color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text2};   } const TransactionStatusText = styled.span  margin-left: 0.25rem;   font-size: 0.825rem;   ${({ theme }) => theme.flexRowNoWrap};   align-items: center;

export default function CopyHelper(props: { toCopy: string; children?: React.ReactNode }) {   const [isCopied, setCopied] = useCopyClipboard()

  return (     <CopyIcon onClick={() => setCopied(props.toCopy)}>       {isCopied ? (                   <CheckCircle size={'16'} />                       Copied                         ) : (                   <Copy size={'16'} />               )}       {isCopied ? '' : props.children}       ) }

  1. Insecure handling of user input: The toCopy prop is passed directly to the setCopied function without any validation or sanitization. .
  2. Incomplete error handling: The code does not handle any errors that may occur during the copy operation.
  3. Accessibility concerns: The copy icon is wrapped inside a button element, but it does not have an accessible label for screen readers.
  4. Nested TransactionStatusText component: The TransactionStatusText component is nested within another TransactionStatusText component, which may not be necessary and can lead to unexpected behavior or styling issues.
  5. Dependency vulnerabilities: such as styled-components , react-feather , and @lingui/macro import { ExplorerDataType, getExplorerLink } from '../../utils/getExplorerLink' import { ExternalLink, LinkStyledButton, TYPE } from '../../theme' import React, { useCallback, useContext } from 'react' import { fortmatic, injected, portis, walletconnect, walletlink } from '../../connectors' import styled, { ThemeContext } from 'styled-components/macro'

import { AutoRow } from '../Row' import { ButtonSecondary } from '../Button' import { ReactComponent as Close } from '../../assets/images/x.svg' import CoinbaseWalletIcon from '../../assets/images/coinbaseWalletIcon.svg' import Copy from './Copy' import FortmaticIcon from '../../assets/images/fortmaticIcon.png' import Identicon from '../Identicon' import { ExternalLink as LinkIcon } from 'react-feather' import PortisIcon from '../../assets/images/portisIcon.png' import { SUPPORTED_WALLETS } from '../../constants/wallet' import { Trans } from '@lingui/macro' import Transaction from './Transaction' import WalletConnectIcon from '../../assets/images/walletConnectIcon.svg' import { clearAllTransactions } from '../../state/transactions/actions' import { shortenAddress } from '../../utils' import { useActiveWeb3React } from '../../hooks/web3' import { useAppDispatch } from 'state/hooks' import { useWeb3React } from '@web3-react/core' import { InjectedConnector } from '@web3-react/injected-connector' import { disconnect } from 'process'

const HeaderRow = styled.div  ${({ theme }) => theme.flexRowNoWrap};   padding: 1rem 1rem;   font-weight: 500;   color: ${(props) => (props.color === 'blue' ? ({ theme }) => theme.primary1 : ({ theme }) => theme.text1)};   ${({ theme }) => theme.mediaWidth.upToMedium     padding: 1rem;   };

const UpperSection = styled.div`   position: relative;   background: ${({ theme }) => theme.bg0};

  h5 {     margin: 0;     margin-bottom: 0.5rem;     font-size: 1rem;     font-weight: 400;   }

  h5:last-child {     margin-bottom: 0px;   }

  h4 {     margin-top: 0;     font-weight: 500;   }


const InfoCard = styled.div  padding: 1rem;   border: 1px solid ${({ theme }) => theme.bg3};   border-radius: 20px;   position: relative;   display: grid;   grid-row-gap: 12px;   margin-bottom: 20px;

const AccountGroupingRow = styled.div`   ${({ theme }) => theme.flexRowNoWrap};   justify-content: space-between;   align-items: center;   font-weight: 400;   color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text1};

  div {     ${({ theme }) => theme.flexRowNoWrap}     align-items: center;   } `

const AccountSection = styled.div  padding: 0rem 1rem;   ${({ theme }) => theme.mediaWidth.upToMediumpadding: 0rem 1rem 1.5rem 1rem;};

const YourAccount = styled.div`   h5 {     margin: 0 0 1rem 0;     font-weight: 400;   }

  h4 {     margin: 0;     font-weight: 500;   } `

const LowerSection = styled.div`   ${({ theme }) => theme.flexColumnNoWrap}   padding: 1.5rem;   flex-grow: 1;   overflow: auto;   background-color: ${({ theme }) => theme.bg3};   border-bottom-left-radius: 20px;   border-bottom-right-radius: 20px;

  h5 {     margin: 0;     font-weight: 400;     color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text3};   } `

const AccountControl = styled.div`   display: flex;   justify-content: space-between;   min-width: 0;   width: 100%;

  font-weight: 500;   font-size: 1.25rem;

  a:hover {     text-decoration: underline;   }

  p {     min-width: 0;     margin: 0;     overflow: hidden;     text-overflow: ellipsis;     white-space: nowrap;   } `

const AddressLink = styled(ExternalLink) <{ hasENS: boolean; isENS: boolean }>  font-size: 0.825rem;   color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text3};   margin-left: 1rem;   font-size: 0.825rem;   display: flex;   :hover {     color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text2};   }

const CloseIcon = styled.div  position: absolute;   right: 1rem;   top: 14px;   &:hover {     cursor: pointer;     opacity: 0.6;   }

const CloseColor = styled(Close)  path {     stroke: ${({ theme }) => theme.text4};   }

const WalletName = styled.div  width: initial;   font-size: 0.825rem;   font-weight: 500;   color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text3};

const IconWrapper = styled.div<{ size?: number }>  ${({ theme }) => theme.flexColumnNoWrap};   align-items: center;   justify-content: center;   margin-right: 8px;   & > img,   span {     height: ${({ size }) => (size ? size + 'px' : '32px')};     width: ${({ size }) => (size ? size + 'px' : '32px')};   }   ${({ theme }) => theme.mediaWidth.upToMedium     align-items: flex-end;   };

const TransactionListWrapper = styled.div  ${({ theme }) => theme.flexColumnNoWrap};

const WalletAction = styled(ButtonSecondary)  width: fit-content;   font-weight: 400;   margin-left: 8px;   font-size: 0.825rem;   padding: 4px 6px;   :hover {     cursor: pointer;     text-decoration: underline;   }

const MainWalletAction = styled(WalletAction)  color: ${({ theme }) => theme.primary1};

function renderTransactions(transactions: string[]) {   return (           {, i) => {         return       })}       ) }

interface AccountDetailsProps {   toggleWalletModal: () => void   pendingTransactions: string[]   confirmedTransactions: string[]   ENSName?: string   openOptions: () => void }

export default function AccountDetails({   toggleWalletModal,   pendingTransactions,   confirmedTransactions,   ENSName,   openOptions, }: AccountDetailsProps) {   const { chainId, account, connector, library, deactivate } = useActiveWeb3React()   const theme = useContext(ThemeContext)   const dispatch = useAppDispatch()

  function formatConnectorName() {     const { ethereum } = window     const isMetaMask = !!(ethereum && ethereum.isMetaMask)     const name = Object.keys(SUPPORTED_WALLETS)       .filter(         (k) =>           SUPPORTED_WALLETS[k].connector === connector && (connector !== injected || isMetaMask === (k === 'METAMASK'))       )       .map((k) => SUPPORTED_WALLETS[k].name)[0]     return (               Connected with {name}           )   }

  function getStatusIcon() {     if (connector === injected) {       return (                                 )     } else if (connector === walletconnect) {       return (                   <img src={WalletConnectIcon} alt={'WalletConnect logo'} />               )     } else if (connector === walletlink) {       return (                   <img src={CoinbaseWalletIcon} alt={'Coinbase Wallet logo'} />               )     } else if (connector === fortmatic) {       return (                   <img src={FortmaticIcon} alt={'Fortmatic logo'} />               )     } else if (connector === portis) {       return (         <>                       <img src={PortisIcon} alt={'Portis logo'} />             <MainWalletAction               onClick={() => {                 portis.portis.showPortis()               }}             >               Show Portis                               </>       )     }     return null   }

  const clearAllTransactionsCallback = useCallback(() => {     if (chainId) dispatch(clearAllTransactions({ chainId }))   }, [dispatch, chainId])

  return (     <>                                                   Account                                                                     {formatConnectorName()}                

                  {library?.provider && connector && (                     <WalletAction                       style={{ marginRight: '8px' }}                       onClick={() => {                         console.log(connector);                         if (connector === injected) {                           deactivate();                         } else {                           (connector as any).close();                         }                       }}                     >                       Disconnect                                       )}                   <WalletAction                     style={{ fontSize: '.825rem', fontWeight: 400 }}                     onClick={() => {                       openOptions()                     }}                   >                     Change                                  

                                                              {ENSName ? (                     <>                      

                        {getStatusIcon()}                         {ENSName}


                    </>                   ) : (                     <>                      

                        {getStatusIcon()}                         {account && shortenAddress(account)}


                    </>                   )}                                                             {ENSName ? (                   <>                                          

                        {account && (                                                       <span style={{ marginLeft: '4px' }}>                               Copy Address                                                                               )}                         {chainId && account && (                           <AddressLink                             hasENS={!!ENSName}                             isENS={true}                             href={getExplorerLink(chainId, ENSName, ExplorerDataType.ADDRESS)}                           >                                                         <span style={{ marginLeft: '4px' }}>                               View on Explorer                                                                               )}                      

                                      </>                 ) : (                   <>                                          

                        {account && (                                                       <span style={{ marginLeft: '4px' }}>                               Copy Address                                                                               )}                         {chainId && account && (                           <AddressLink                             hasENS={!!ENSName}                             isENS={false}                             href={getExplorerLink(chainId, account, ExplorerDataType.ADDRESS)}                           >                                                         <span style={{ marginLeft: '4px' }}>                               View on Explorer                                                                               )}                      

                                      </>                 )}                                                         {!!pendingTransactions.length || !!confirmedTransactions.length ? (                   <AutoRow mb={'1rem'} style={{ justifyContent: 'space-between' }}>                           Recent Transactions             </TYPE.body>                           (clear all)                                 {renderTransactions(pendingTransactions)}           {renderTransactions(confirmedTransactions)}               ) : (                               Your transactions will appear here...           </TYPE.body>               )}     </>   ) }

  1. Insecure handling of user input: The code uses the toCopy prop passed to the Copy component without any validation or sanitization.
  2. Insecure handling of external links: The code uses the ExternalLink component to render links to external explorers.
  3. Unhandled errors: The code does not handle any errors that may occur during the copy operation or when interacting with the wallet connectors.
  4. Dependency vulnerabilities: It is important to ensure that all dependencies, such as styled-components , react-feather , and @lingui/macro
  5. Accessibility concerns: The code does not provide accessible labels for screen readers for certain elements

import { CheckCircle, Triangle } from 'react-feather' import { ExplorerDataType, getExplorerLink } from '../../utils/getExplorerLink'

import { ExternalLink } from '../../theme' import Loader from '../Loader' import { RowFixed } from '../Row' import styled from 'styled-components/macro' import { useActiveWeb3React } from '../../hooks/web3' import { useAllTransactions } from '../../state/transactions/hooks'

const TransactionWrapper = styled.div``

const TransactionStatusText = styled.div  margin-right: 0.5rem;   display: flex;   align-items: center;   :hover {     text-decoration: underline;   }

const TransactionState = styled(ExternalLink)<{ pending: boolean; success?: boolean }>  display: flex;   justify-content: space-between;   align-items: center;   text-decoration: none !important;   border-radius: 0.5rem;   padding: 0.25rem 0rem;   font-weight: 500;   font-size: 0.825rem;   color: ${({ theme }) => theme.primary1};

const IconWrapper = styled.div<{ pending: boolean; success?: boolean }>  color: ${({ pending, success, theme }) => (pending ? theme.primary1 : success ? theme.green1 : theme.red1)};

export default function Transaction({ hash, style = {} }: { hash: string, style?: any }) {   const { chainId } = useActiveWeb3React()   const allTransactions = useAllTransactions()

  const tx = allTransactions?.[hash]   const summary = tx?.summary   const pending = !tx?.receipt   const success = !pending && tx && (tx.receipt?.status === 1 || typeof tx.receipt?.status === 'undefined')

  if (!chainId) return null

  return (           <TransactionState         href={getExplorerLink(chainId, hash, ExplorerDataType.TRANSACTION)}         pending={pending}         success={success}       >                   {summary ?? hash} ↗                           {pending ? : success ? : }                     ) }

Unused imports: The code imports several dependencies, such as injected , portis , walletconnect , and walletlink

  1. Insecure handling of user input: The hash prop is used directly in the getExplorerLink function
  2. Insecure handling of external links: The code uses the ExternalLink component to render a link to an external explorer.
  3. Unused imports: The code imports the CheckCircle and Triangle components from react-feather.
  4. Dependency vulnerabilities: It is important to ensure that all dependencies,
  5. Accessibility concerns: The code does not provide an accessible label for screen readers for the transaction status text.
  6. Use of style prop: The code accepts a style prop to apply additional styles to the TransactionWrapper component.

import { ExplorerDataType, getExplorerLink } from '../../utils/getExplorerLink' import { ExternalLink, TYPE } from '../../theme' import { ReactNode, useCallback, useContext, useState } from 'react' import { Trans, t } from '@lingui/macro' import styled, { ThemeContext } from 'styled-components/macro'

import { AutoColumn } from '../Column' import { RowBetween } from '../Row' import Select from 'react-select' import { useActiveWeb3React } from '../../hooks/web3' import { useAddressManager } from 'components/AddressManager' import useENS from '../../hooks/useENS'

const SelectItem = styled(Select)  color:#222 !important;   z-index: 1000;   >

const InputPanel = styled.div  ${({ theme }) => theme.flexColumnNoWrap}   position: relative;   border-radius: 1.25rem;   background-color: ${({ theme }) => theme.bg1};   z-index: 1;   width: 100%;

const ContainerRow = styled.div<{ error: boolean }>  display: flex;   justify-content: center;   align-items: center;   border-radius: 1.25rem;   border: 1px solid ${({ error, theme }) => (error ? theme.red1 : theme.bg2)};   transition: border-color 300ms ${({ error }) => (error ? 'step-end' : 'step-start')},     color 500ms ${({ error }) => (error ? 'step-end' : 'step-start')};   background-color: ${({ theme }) => theme.bg1};

const InputContainer = styled.div  flex: 1;   padding: 1rem;

const Input = styled.input<{ error?: boolean }>`   font-size: 1rem;   outline: none;   border: none;   flex: 1 1 auto;   width: 0;   background-color: ${({ theme }) => theme.bg0};   transition: color 300ms ${({ error }) => (error ? 'step-end' : 'step-start')};   color: ${({ error, theme }) => (error ? theme.red1 : theme.text1)};   overflow: hidden;   text-overflow: ellipsis;   font-weight: 500;   width: 100%;   ::placeholder {     color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text4};   }   padding: 5px;   -webkit-appearance: textfield;

  ::-webkit-search-decoration {     -webkit-appearance: none;   }

  ::-webkit-outer-spin-button,   ::-webkit-inner-spin-button {     -webkit-appearance: none;   }

  ::placeholder {     color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text4};   } `

export default function AddressInputPanel({   id,   className = 'recipient-address-input',   label,   placeholder,   value,   onChange, }: {   id?: string   className?: string   label?: ReactNode   placeholder?: string   // the typed string value   value: string   // triggers whenever the typed value changes   onChange: (value: string) => void }) {   const { chainId } = useActiveWeb3React()   const theme = useContext(ThemeContext)

  const { address, loading, name } = useENS(value)

  const handleInput = useCallback(     (event) => {       const input =       const withoutSpaces = input.replace(/\s+/g, '')       onChange(withoutSpaces)     },     [onChange]   )

  const error = Boolean(value?.length > 0 && !loading && !address)

  const [addresses,] = useAddressManager()   const [useManual, setUseManual] = useState(false)   function styleFn(provided: any, state: any) {     return { ...provided, color: theme.text1, background: theme.bg0 };   }   const styles = {     singleValue: {       color: theme.text1,       background: theme.bg0     }   }

  return (                                                                       {label ?? Recipient}                 {addresses.length > 0 &&                   < onClick={() => {                     setUseManual(!useManual)                   }}>{useManual ? 'Switch to Select' : 'Switch to Input'}</>                 }               </>

              {address && chainId && (                 <ExternalLink                   href={getExplorerLink(chainId, name ?? address, ExplorerDataType.ADDRESS)}                   style={{ fontSize: '14px' }}                 >                   (View on Explorer)                               )}                         {Boolean(addresses.length == 0 || useManual) && <Input               className={className}               type="text"               autoComplete="off"               autoCorrect="off"               autoCapitalize="off"               spellCheck="false"               placeholder={placeholder ?? tWallet Address or ENS name}               error={error}               pattern="^(0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40})$"               onChange={handleInput}               value={value}             />}

            {Boolean(addresses.length > 0 && !useManual) && (               <SelectItem theme={theme} options={addresses} onChange={(e: any) => onChange(e.value as any)} value={addresses.find((item) => item.value?.toLowerCase() === value?.toLowerCase())} />             )}                               ) }

  1. Insecure handling of user input: The value prop is used directly in the useENS hook without any validation or sanitization.
  2. Insecure handling of external links: The code uses the ExternalLink component to render a link to an external explorer.
  3. Potential XSS vulnerability: The label prop is rendered as a ReactNode without any sanitization.
  4. Insecure handling of select options: The addresses prop used in the SelectItem component is assumed to be safe.
  5. Dependency vulnerabilities: It is important to ensure that all dependencies, such as styled-components and react-select , are up to date to mitigate any known vulnerabilities.
  6. Accessibility concerns: The code does not provide accessible labels for screen readers for the input field and select component. Adding appropriate aria-label attributes can improve accessibility.
  7. Potential performance issue: The code uses the useCallback hook without specifying any dependencies.
  8. Unused variables: The styles variable is defined but not used in the component.

Please, the errors in the code I pointed out behind the number from 1 to 6-7 and so on.... Use navigation to save time