TheKikGen / MPC-LiveXplore-bootstrap

Bootstrap for Akai MPCs and Force
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IamForce sdcard sandbox : initial feedback (from Jay Ray-One) #1

Closed TheKikGen closed 1 year ago

TheKikGen commented 2 years ago

(From Jay Ray-One) Here is some initial feedback: 1) On the MPC-X the splashscreen 'Force' image is flipped upside down. We had the same problem with hakai so we made one especially for the X.

2) I believe that this 3.1.3. image runs in a sandboxed enviroment so it's not possible to load projects from the internal SSD or even from external drives.

3) The available space for projects is limited. So copying over more than 4GB+ of projects to the stick is not possible because there is a limit even tough you use an 128GB stick.

Either way good job so far..!!

TheKikGen commented 2 years ago

Thansk for that.

1/ All tests were done on my MPC Live MK1. I'll test on my X. The bitmap was taken directly from the ad-hoc partition on my Force (splash screens are stored in different internal ssd partitions).

2/ In the "nominal" case, the sandboxed environment remounts all externals drives, at the exception of the partition containing the sd card img to avoid messing in the chroot config. You should see any usb disk connected to your MPC in the browser. I see all my Force projects copied on the internal SATA 500G drive. But again, my assertion is valid on the MPC Live MK1 for the moment. I'll check that again.

3/ Linked with 2/ : You can resize the 4G sdcard partition used to generate the sandbox with resize2fs, and/or flash the sdcard img to a bigger ssd disk, with 2 partitions (4G ext4 img, 400G extfat). So it stays viable, but I agree that the sandbox MUST be able to access internal SATA or usb disk drives.

TheKikGen commented 2 years ago