TheKitty / Untz_Monome

Program an Adafruit Untz 8x8 or HellaUntz 8x16 to work as a controller via the mext protocol
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Untz Monome FTDI eeprom reflash #4

Open thopa opened 5 years ago

thopa commented 5 years ago

Hi, Thanks a lot for sharing your hardwork and making this available. I have tried your sketch and have followed your instructions but im really struggling in the last part where you specify that it is needed to reflash the FTDI eeprom to appear as a monome device, using buspirate's 'piratereflash' or similar. Is there any chance you could give some more detailed information on how to achieve this? Im on mac, and have a few programmers (ST-link V2, pololu, Arduino´s) but i dont know how this can be achieved. -How do you use ps auxw | grep serial ? Can this command be used on Console or it needs to be runned on Buspirate? -How do you kill the kill the serialosc-detector proces ? -When you say reflash your monome, do you mean upload your Untmonome. ino to the Arduino Leonardo (the one im using)

I apologise for all the questions, i have tried your template also on debug mode, but none of the monome apps see my Untz instruments (i have the miniUntz, Untz and HellaUntz) and i can see on the Arduino terminal that the correct values are being passed.

Do i need to reconfigure the monome prefix anyware?

Many thanks any help is much appreciatted!

mbutz commented 4 years ago

Hi @TheKitty , hi @thopa,

I am also stuck here. I own an Adafruit Unztrument and have not been able to get it working. There seemed to be some detailed instruction in the context of the Arduinome but the site is no more available. I would also very much appreciate some more information or hints on how exactly the FTDI eeprom should and can be flashed.

thopa commented 4 years ago

Hi there, Seems we like there is no response in this matter. Unfortunately i have two adafruit untzs that would like to use as monome emulators but im also struggling on how to flash the FTDI. Hopefully @TheKitty can give us some pointers? Thanks!

gabecamp commented 4 years ago

Try downloading ft_prog and changing the serial to m40h0000