TheKrowi / Krowi_Vendorer

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Mass import/export feature for Junk/Exclusion lists #7

Open filliph opened 1 year ago

filliph commented 1 year ago

This isn't something I necessarily use myself, but I can see it being useful.

Import button: image

Export button: image

Depending on how the profile system will work in this add-on, it can potentially be very useful to export/import the lists to set up a new character for farming, and ensuring it doesn't destroy anything useful / ensuring it destroys everything you've already determined to be junk.

It would also be very nice to have for when I switch from Dejunk to this, since as you can see I already have quite a number of junk items 😄

TheKrowi commented 1 year ago

This might be useful if you have older addons that already have a large junk list and don't want to have to add all those items to it yourself again.