TheLartians / ModernCppStarter

🚀 Kick-start your C++! A template for modern C++ projects using CMake, CI, code coverage, clang-format, reproducible dependency management and much more.
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copy paste .clang-tidy from a modern-cpp-template #186

Open Arniiiii opened 5 months ago

Arniiiii commented 5 months ago

It's a really good default. It's copy-paste from with one modification: turn off warnings as error for clang-tidy.

Arniiiii commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the answer and for your efforts to make the starter better!

I think using clang-tidy as warning tool or warning-as-error tool is amazing actually.

I prefer use it as warning-generating tool to find out more problems with code from c++ point of view.

During my use of clang-tidy I found out that with the config the only stuff that makes it warning-as-error is declaring function with an unused parameter and the parameter should be not commented to get warning-as-error behaviour. I genuinely don't know how to disable it, though, I guess it's an OK warning-as-error.

Because of the points above, I guess it would be good to have a github workflow that passes through clang-tidy a codebase to show the error, generate a lot of warnings ( even performance related ) or , if user of the starter changes the .clang-tidy to make a warning into warning-as-error , to generate error.

However, I'm not so proficient with github workflows. I would be pleased If someone can do that or help with it.

TheLartians commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the explanations! Unfortunately I'm currently too busy to help out, but would be happy to include this if we can manage to add a linter step to the workflows!

Paiusco commented 4 months ago

Seems like you do have clang-format but also don't check it automatically on the gh actions. For clang-tidy seems like here you already have a way to run clang-tidy.

Do you want someone to create a specific step on the actions? There are a few options for that on the marketplace, I can try to test one or two if you prefer.

TheLartians commented 3 months ago

clang-format is actually run here, in the style workflow. Currently it's separate from the general tests workflows so it shows up as a unique action on the PR workflows page. Could it make sense to change it into a style and lint workflow?