If I run a general deforum generate instance i get the following error:
Error: ''types.SimpleNamespace' object has no attribute 'cn_1_weight''. Before reporting, please check your schedules/ init values. Full error message is in your terminal/ cli.
every time i run the generate bottone I always get the following error:
`Deforum extension for auto1111 webui
Git commit: 5d63a339
Starting job task(t00fht2hyfwacnf)-0...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/content/gdrive/MyDrive/sd/stable-diffusion-webui/extensions/deforum-for-automatic1111-webui/scripts/deforum_helpers/run_deforum.py", line 116, in run_deforum
render_animation(args, anim_args, video_args, parseq_args, loop_args, controlnet_args, root)
File "/content/gdrive/MyDrive/sd/stable-diffusion-webui/extensions/deforum-for-automatic1111-webui/scripts/deforum_helpers/render.py", line 58, in render_animation
parseq_adapter = ParseqAdapter(parseq_args, anim_args, video_args, controlnet_args, loop_args)
File "/content/gdrive/MyDrive/sd/stable-diffusion-webui/extensions/deforum-for-automatic1111-webui/scripts/deforum_helpers/parseq_adapter.py", line 67, in __init__
self.cn_keys = ParseqControlNetKeysDecorator(self, ControlNetKeys(anim_args, controlnet_args)) if controlnet_args else None
File "/content/gdrive/MyDrive/sd/stable-diffusion-webui/extensions/deforum-for-automatic1111-webui/scripts/deforum_helpers/animation_key_frames.py", line 87, in __init__
self.schedules[output_key] = self.fi.parse_inbetweens(getattr(controlnet_args, input_key), input_key)
AttributeError: 'types.SimpleNamespace' object has no attribute 'cn_1_weight'
User friendly error message:
Error: 'types.SimpleNamespace' object has no attribute 'cn_1_weight'. Please, check your schedules/ init values.
started run_deforum
times_to_run: 1`
2 weeks ago was working...
I also deleted the SD folder from the drive e reinstalled everything and I get always the same error...
Let me know if happens also to you or if I have to report it into another page,
I am using the google notebook.
If I run a general deforum generate instance i get the following error:
Error: ''types.SimpleNamespace' object has no attribute 'cn_1_weight''. Before reporting, please check your schedules/ init values. Full error message is in your terminal/ cli.
every time i run the generate bottone I always get the following error:
2 weeks ago was working...
I also deleted the SD folder from the drive e reinstalled everything and I get always the same error...
Let me know if happens also to you or if I have to report it into another page,
Thank you for your support