links sometimes time out and is a bit of a pain. You could add something for ngrok to be used instead
#@title Install ngrok python library
!pip install pyngrok
from pyngrok import ngrok
# Terminate open tunnels if exist
# Setting the authtoken (optional)
# Get your authtoken from
# Open an HTTPs tunnel on port 7860 for http://localhost:7860
public_url = ngrok.connect(7860, proto="http", options={"bind_tls": True})
!echo "----------------------------------------"
!echo "use once web server has initiated"
!echo "----------------------------------------"
print("Tracking URL:", public_url)
!echo "----------------------------------------"
!python --precision autocast
I also know that in some place ngrok is blocked by firewalls (offices, colleges etc) so there's a few others. I use bore.
Hi, links sometimes time out and is a bit of a pain. You could add something for ngrok to be used instead
I also know that in some place ngrok is blocked by firewalls (offices, colleges etc) so there's a few others. I use bore.
I guess you could store the binary in gdrive and cp from there.
There's also some others i use, localtunnel, loophole. but you get the idea.