TheLastGimbus / GooglePhotosTakeoutHelper

Script that organizes the Google Takeout archive into one big chronological folder
Apache License 2.0
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Exiftool fails (after merge) #210

Closed billytkid closed 1 year ago

billytkid commented 1 year ago


you're a lifesaver for making this, I've used the tool to fix an export of my dads photos after he passed away.

The libray has 170k+ files and your tool worked great, however the EXIF command fails: exiftool -overwrite_original -r -P "-AllDates<FileModifyDate" /Volumes/DAD/Output/ALL_PHOTOS/*

With: -bash: /usr/local/bin/exiftool: Argument list too long

I appreciate EXIFtool isnt your s/w, but I can't seem to get it working with your instructions.

Also as a secondary question, there were 4.6k photos without a date, is there a way to see a list of what those are?

Any help is hugely appreciated.


palijn commented 1 year ago

for the bash error : remove the star from your command

palijn commented 1 year ago

Try ls /Volumes/DAD/Output/ALL_PHOTOS/date-unknown ?

palijn commented 1 year ago

for the bash error : remove the star from your command

Alternatively, to shorten the argument list size (that's the total number of characters on the command) you can : cd /Volumes/DAD/Output/ALL_PHOTOS/ exiftool -overwrite_original -r -P "-AllDates<FileModifyDate" *

billytkid commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks so much for your reply, removing the dot did the trick!

It's now slowly chugging through all of the files

Thanks again

TheLastGimbus commented 1 year ago

Thanks @palijn again 😅😅