TheLastGimbus / GooglePhotosTakeoutHelper

Script that organizes the Google Takeout archive into one big chronological folder
Apache License 2.0
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Invalid symlinks on Windows #248

Open Maczuga opened 9 months ago

Maczuga commented 9 months ago

v3.4.3, Windows 10

Command: gpth-windoza.exe --copy --input .\Takeout\ --output .\OutTake2 Executed from root of E:\ drive.

All symlinks point towards C:\ALL_PHOTOS instead of E:\OutTake2\ALL_PHOTOS

Same thing happens when I simply run the gpth-windoza via double clicking the executable and point to directories manually.

v3.4.1 works fine, tho symlinks are not relative.

Maczuga commented 9 months ago

So, apparently there are 2 types of symlinks in Windows that are supported:

I have created a pull request. If you decide that actual symlinks will be OK instead of .ink shortcuts - feel free to pull it.

aviv926 commented 7 months ago

I am experiencing the exact same problem here as you Is there progress with this PR?

TheLastGimbus commented 7 months ago

progress with this PR

A progres... well i wouldn't say that... but is it dead? Also no

i'm a bit bussy now so i don't know when i will sit by this - but in some time, i probably will!

aviv926 commented 7 months ago

progress with this PR

A progres... well i wouldn't say that... but is it dead? Also no

i'm a bit bussy now so i don't know when i will sit by this - but in some time, i probably will!

Oh sure, thank you very much! I'll wait

aviv926 commented 3 months ago

Hi, is there a fix for this by any chance? Maybe a temporary solution?

TheLastGimbus commented 3 months ago

I am really sorry to write that, my status, is still busy 😭😭 And official, branded, and tested solution for that is to be done "soon". BUT! Here is a nightly build of a PR #249 that I still need to review and test myself - but he says it works for him :100: so you can test it too:

aviv926 commented 3 months ago

I am really sorry to write that, my status, is still busy 😭😭 And official, branded, and tested solution for that is to be done "soon". BUT! Here is a nightly build of a PR #249 that I still need to review and test myself - but he says it works for him 💯 so you can test it too:

Man, thanks for your hard work. Take the time you need.

Thank you!