TheLastGimbus / GooglePhotosTakeoutHelper

Script that organizes the Google Takeout archive into one big chronological folder
Apache License 2.0
3.48k stars 176 forks source link

Add gphotos-takeout-repair to "Other Takeout projects" #260

Closed AlecRust closed 7 months ago

AlecRust commented 8 months ago

Since my CLI tool targets the same problem and achieves a similar end result, it might be useful to reference for readers of your README 🙂

TheLastGimbus commented 7 months ago

Hi, takeout-brother :wave:

Omg your second name is literally RUST ???

But the project is in JS... eh :unamused: still cool tho :+1:

Umm... does your project do anything different than gpth? Because honestly, I don't see much point of linking to other project that do exactly the same :shrug: - i have links to other takeout stuff, like notes etc

AlecRust commented 7 months ago

Omg your second name is literally RUST ???

Are you implying I should be a Rust developer? 🙂

does your project do anything different than gpth?

It's not as comprehensive, though I suspect it may handle some filename oddity edge cases a bit better.

I don't see much point of linking to other project that do exactly the same

Yeah fair enough happy for you to close. This PR came about because when I initially was looking for a solution to this problem, I could find very little. Eventually I found the relevant projects, and perhaps I didn't need to spend the time creating mine. The list of relevant projects can be found in my README here (they all do things slightly differently).