TheLastGimbus / GooglePhotosTakeoutHelper

Script that organizes the Google Takeout archive into one big chronological folder
Apache License 2.0
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Google Takeout no longer exports metadata as JSON? #262

Closed NoahFiner closed 6 months ago

NoahFiner commented 7 months ago

Hey thank you so much for this script! I tried a Google Takeout back in July and got stuck migrating my photos due to the metadata separation when I hadn't found this tool yet.

I tried creating a new takeout yesterday, but it looks like my exported Google Photos results no longer have JSON files.

Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 10 46 54 AM

Additionally, I confirmed via that my exported photos now have their appropriate capture dates attached.

Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 10 48 11 AM

I couldn't find any information about this online but I was able to reproduce through multiple takeouts. Did Google fix this horribly annoying step of their migration process?

The issue with the script

Anyways, the script now logs Can't get date on ... for every photo.

Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 10 49 46 AM

I'm still hoping to utilize this script for organizing my photos into folders by their capture date instead of being separated into many separate folders. Would it be possible to update the script to also check for if the photo already contains its capture date in its already existing metadata? Thank you!

mb-dev commented 7 months ago

I have the same issue

aviv926 commented 7 months ago

Your photos look like they came from a professional camera, it could be that the information is embedded in them so that there is no need for JSON Can you tell where the pictures were uploaded to Google Photos?

TheLastGimbus commented 7 months ago

Oh. Jesus. Fuuuucking christ..... please don't let this be true


Okay calm down let's look at this:


This photo has a dot on begginning... maybe other jsons are with a dot too and you don't see them in file explorrer because you have "show hidden files" disabled? Try to dig into that

now have their appropriate capture dates attached

google takeouts always had correct exifs - at least that's what showed - gpth doesn't even re-insert them :D

Nevertheless, gpth should find dates for json-less photos by their exifs... and it didn't...



AH! I know what's the thing! You're using MacOS 👀 - our dear (even pinned) issue: #203

After reaserching all of that, please report back - i will be able to have if we will actually know what's happening

NoahFiner commented 6 months ago

@TheLastGimbus that was it!!!!!! Thank you for all the help and debugging

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 9 53 37 PM
TheLastGimbus commented 6 months ago

Okay so that's a +1 for me to resolve #203 some day

happy it works!