TheLastGimbus / GooglePhotosTakeoutHelper

Script that organizes the Google Takeout archive into one big chronological folder
Apache License 2.0
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Unexpected Behavior in gpth-windoza.exe v3.4.3 #283

Closed BoBBer446 closed 4 months ago

BoBBer446 commented 4 months ago

Description: I've noticed an issue with the gpth-windoza.exe version v3.4.3. When I run it, instead of opening the PowerShell, it opens the Terminal app. Additionally, when attempting to create albums, the application unexpectedly shuts down without providing any error messages or feedback.

System Information:

Additional Information:

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Download and install gpth-windoza.exe v3.4.3.
  2. Run gpth-windoza.exe.
  3. Attempt to create albums.

Expected Behavior:

Actual Behavior:

This behavior is unexpected and may cause confusion for users who are expecting PowerShell to be launched. Please investigate and address this issue in the next release.

Thank you!

TheLastGimbus commented 4 months ago

instead of opening the PowerShell, it opens the Terminal app

that's expected and okay

The target folder for creation is on a USB 3.0 HDD.

look at #251 discussion

BoBBer446 commented 4 months ago

I've successfully moved all my photos to the following directory on my G: drive: G:\GoogleTakeout.

For instance, the photos from 2016 are located in G:\GoogleTakeout\ALL_PHOTOS\2016.

However, I've noticed an issue with the link targets for the pictures. They're incorrectly pointing to a path on my C: drive, like C:\ALL_PHOTOS\2023\08\DSC00872.JPG, instead of the correct new location on the G: drive, which should be G:\GoogleTakeout\ALL_PHOTOS\2023\08\DSC00872.JPG.

I'm concerned that if I copy these files to my Nextcloud, the photos will not be recognized correctly in albums due to this path discrepancy.

Can you provide guidance on how to correct the link paths to ensure my photos are properly located and displayed in Nextcloud albums?

TheLastGimbus commented 4 months ago

if I copy these files to my Nextcloud, the photos will not be recognized correctly in albums

they will not be recognized anyways, since these are windows shortcuts - Nextcloud won't give a damn about it

They're incorrectly pointing to a path on my C: drive

i know :/ #276

Can you provide guidance [...] Nextcloud

no, since i don't use it, but your best guess is to use duplicate-copy albums option :+1:

BoBBer446 commented 4 months ago

thx man! You're aweasome!