TheLastGimbus / GooglePhotosTakeoutHelper

Script that organizes the Google Takeout archive into one big chronological folder
Apache License 2.0
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Nothing happens when run from the command line on Linux #292

Closed VictorWesterlund closed 4 months ago

VictorWesterlund commented 4 months ago


I'm unable to get version 3.4.3/gpth-linux to run on Debian. The program exists immediately when I run it from the CL.

I was, however, able to run version 3.2.0/gpth-linux without any issues. So there is that! Just thought I'd report it. EDIT: Never mind! Version 3.2.0 starts but runs into an exception at the first interaction step. But I won't comment on this since it's an older version (unless requested).

I would be happy to provide more information but I couldn't find any logs for this program.

# lsb_release -a
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Release:        12
Codename:       bookworm


Program exists immediately when run

TheLastGimbus commented 4 months ago

Huh weird. Can you try with --help ?

If still doesn't work, could you try to install dart and run the code directly ?

Maybe dart expects some libc stuff or whatever that you don't have on your pure-Debian system??

Ehhh... another sign to go for another full blazing-fast rewrite in Rust...

OH AND PS. DO NOT RUN THE OLD VERSIONS!!! As this tool is pretty user-data-delicate anyway. Especially i remember that 3.2.0 was extracting the zips on it's own which ended up in missing some files or smth... dont do it!!

VictorWesterlund commented 4 months ago

Oh wow my apologies... it looks like the download of the binary messed up somehow - it's empty! You can even see it sitting there at 0 bytes on my screenshot 🤦

Anyhow, I downloaded it again and it works fine now. Sorry!

Thank you for still maintaining this. This tool just saved me hours of my time, will donate a few bucks!

TheLastGimbus commented 4 months ago

Cheers! Spend this time on tweaking your tiling wm or something :clinking_glasses: :penguin: