TheLastGimbus / GooglePhotosTakeoutHelper

Script that organizes the Google Takeout archive into one big chronological folder
Apache License 2.0
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Fix Incorrect Default Value for --albums Option in README #300

Closed theendcomplete closed 3 months ago

theendcomplete commented 3 months ago

While reviewing the README documentation, I identified an inconsistency with the default value provided for the --albums option. The documentation erroneously listed shortcuts as a valid value. However, based on the --help output and the actual behavior of the software, the correct default value is shortcut.

Changes Made:


This correction ensures that users are provided with accurate information regarding the usage of the --albums option. The correct default value, shortcut, reflects the software's functionality more accurately and prevents potential confusion, ensuring a smoother user experience.


This change is confined to the README documentation and does not affect the software's functionality. It is aimed at improving the accuracy of the documentation for better user guidance.

Help output:

# ./gpth-linux --help
GooglePhotosTakeoutHelper v3.4.3 - The Dart successor

gpth is ment to help you with exporting your photos from Google Photos.

First, go to , deselect all and select only Photos.
When ready, download all .zips, and extract them into *one* folder.
(Auto-extracting works only in interactive mode)

Then, run: gpth --input "folder/with/all/takeouts" --output "your/output/folder"
...and gpth will parse and organize all photos into one big chronological folder

-h, --help
    --fix                         Folder with any photos to fix dates. This skips whole "GoogleTakeout" procedure.It is here because gpth has some cool heuristics to determine date of a photo, and this can be handy in many situations :)
    --[no-]interactive            Use interactive mode. Type this in case auto-detection fails, or you *really* want to combine advanced options with prompts
-i, --input                       Input folder with *all* takeouts *extracted*.
-o, --output                      Output folder where all photos will land
    --albums                      What to do about albums?

          [duplicate-copy]        Album folders with photos copied into them. This will work across all systems, but may take wayyy more space!!
          [json]                  Put ALL photos (including Archive and Trash) in one folder and make a .json file with info about albums. Use if you're a programmer, or just want to get everything, ignoring lack of year-folders etc.
          [nothing]               Just ignore them and put year-photos into one folder. WARNING: This ignores Archive/Trash !!!
          [shortcut] (default)    [Recommended] Album folders with shortcuts/symlinks to original photos. Recommended as it will take the least space, but may not be portable when moving across systems/computes/phones etc

    --[no-]divide-to-dates        Divide output to folders by year/month
    --[no-]skip-extras            Skip extra images (like -edited etc)
    --[no-]guess-from-name        Try to guess file dates from their names
                                  (defaults to on)
    --[no-]copy                   Copy files instead of moving them.
                                  This is usually slower, and uses extra space, but doesn't break your input folder
TheLastGimbus commented 3 months ago

Oh, you're right. Sure :)