TheLastGimbus / GooglePhotosTakeoutHelper

Script that organizes the Google Takeout archive into one big chronological folder
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to Run - GPTH Quitted #318

Closed nothingshocking closed 8 hours ago

nothingshocking commented 3 weeks ago

I have been unable to successfully run GPTH on my windows machine. I've followed the instructions and tried different combinations to determine if there was something wrong on my end.

I exported 3 Google Photos folders using Takeout. I extracted those zip files and placed the resulting folders under a Takeout folder as described in the instructions. image image image

When running GPTH I used C:/Downloads/Takeout as the input folder and C:/Downloads/GPTH Output as the output folder. I chose 1 and 2 for the options presented and get the following error. image

I've tried the same but having all the "year" folders under one Takeout folder with the same results. I've read some of the closed issues related to Code 13 but the answers there were basically follow the instructions. I'm not sure why it isn't working for me. Any advice would be much appreciated.

nothingshocking commented 1 week ago

Any thoughts... Bueller?

palijn commented 1 week ago

You wrote you used C:/Downloads/Takeoutas input folder, but the folder where your Takeout is in the screenshot is C:/Downloads/Takeout/takeout2024...01/Takeout . Try this ?

TheLastGimbus commented 8 hours ago

You have a wrong folder structure, look at the visual guide more carefully