TheLegendOfMataNui / game-issues

The Legend of Mata Nui Gameplay Issues
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Grappling Hook + Energy Sphere Bug #210

Open robot5431 opened 5 years ago

robot5431 commented 5 years ago

An addendum to #207 that I believe deserves its own issue.

This bug comes in two parts. First off, if you fire energy spheres at a grapple point and then fire the grapple while still shooting, the hook will almost instantly latch onto the grapple point without having to fly all the way over like normal.

The second issue comes with the hook's range. The distance that a grappling hook can go is determined by which map you are in so that areas like Gali's HK01 can't be skipped by grappling to the top immediately. However, this bug works as long as the grapple point is in range of your spheres, which have a notably longer range.

robot5431 commented 5 years ago

Video example:

robot5431 commented 5 years ago

This is a slightly different issue in the alpha. Since the spheres work differently, the hook needs to be fired just about immediately after throwing the sphere. In all likelihood, this puts you through the floor rather than pulling you to the point.

OndrikB commented 5 years ago

Also, testing in LE04 has shown that the hook doesn't latch on instantly, just very quickly

Vahkiti commented 5 years ago

Brief update: This also ties in with #207. Normally that bug's uses to break the game are limited due to being unable to control your X and Z position while flying. THIS bug however allows you to do just that. Essentially now allowing free travel to any point in a given area as long as there's an available grapple point.