TheLimePixel / Equivalent-Skies

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(suggestion) add quicksilver drops to silverwood bonsai output #17

Open TheFirstPaige1 opened 5 years ago

TheFirstPaige1 commented 5 years ago

Since silverwood leaves are the only way to get quicksilver for use in TC recipes, and it doesn't drop much, it makes sense to have a way to automate the process without having to deal with the rather.... sizeable silverwood tree and the issues with automating the chopping of it. Even if it's just a small chance for a single drop, it'd help, and also give some context to new players about where you'd get quicksilver from (I'll admit to having to look it up in an earlier issue in this git....).

PflanzenLP commented 4 years ago

There is another way of getting quicksilver. By putting cinnabar in a redstone furnace you get Quicksilver. The way of getting cinnabar is hard but automateable. One way is a 25% chance (the highest I found) by pulverising redstone ore in a pulverizer from thermal expansion. To get redstone ore you use the combiner from mekanism. Long and hard way but automateable.