Open jnaset opened 5 years ago
Recipe shows up in-game as requiring 3 "filled buckets" with no associated fluid. (Empty buckets or buckets filled with a random fluid do not satisfy the recipe)
This is the portion of vanilla.zs where the recipe is set up:
recipes.addShaped(<exnihilocreatio:block_end_cake>,[ [<forge:bucketfilled>.withTag({FluidName: "if.pink_slime", Amount: 1000}).onlyWithTag({FluidName: "if.pink_slime", Amount: 1000}),<forge:bucketfilled>.withTag({FluidName: "if.pink_slime", Amount: 1000}).onlyWithTag({FluidName: "if.pink_slime", Amount: 1000}),<forge:bucketfilled>.withTag({FluidName: "if.pink_slime", Amount: 1000}).onlyWithTag({FluidName: "if.pink_slime", Amount: 1000})], [<ore:gemEnderEye>,<gregtech:meta_item_1:32725>,<ore:gemEnderEye>], [<ore:dustHsss>,<ore:dustNaquadria>,<ore:dustHsss>] ]);
I guess this is a liquid from MineFactoryReloaded 2
Recipe shows up in-game as requiring 3 "filled buckets" with no associated fluid. (Empty buckets or buckets filled with a random fluid do not satisfy the recipe)
This is the portion of vanilla.zs where the recipe is set up: