TheLimePixel / Modern-Skyblock-3

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Cannot store fluids in Applied Energestics system #809

Open SneakyWeasel1 opened 5 years ago

SneakyWeasel1 commented 5 years ago

Have bee trying to store fluids into a ME system, been using ME Fluid Fluid Importer, I have multiple empty 16k ME Fluid drives in my network. But nothing gets imported into the system. I have try different tanks a swell but none seem to work.

Also ME Fluid terminal is incorrect, it does not have the bucket to be exported, the gas terminal does though

Using Modern Skyblock-3.5.0

Pultex commented 5 years ago

Have you tried the ME Fluid interface and pipe it in direct could be a bug in the importer.

SneakyWeasel1 commented 5 years ago

I have also try using the ME Fluid Interface, piping it with Mekanism and TE pipes and even try using a bucket without any success.

computer2467 commented 5 years ago

The official applied energistics 2 recently got its own fluid storage, removing the Extra Cells 2 system that the gas uses. You should be able to click with an empty fluid container on a liquid to fill it up. Also, I don't believe that import buses pull, you might need a device that moves liquids for you, such as a fluid allocator.