TheMC47 / random-quote

Picking random quotes
MIT License
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Add more quotes #3

Open TheMC47 opened 3 years ago

TheMC47 commented 3 years ago

Welcome to random-quote! This issue should be a guide on how to contribute quotes to the project :tada:. Follow these steps:

  1. Get stack and git. There should be instructions on installing them on their websites.
  2. You now need to fork and clone the repository. Follow the instructions in the link, and then execute the following
    git clone <your-fork-url>
    cd random-quote
    stack build

    This will clone the project and build it. This means, now you have the source code of the project on your machine

  3. Now open the file src/Lib.hs. Look for something like this
    quotes :: [String]
    quotes =
    [ "Hey you, you're finally awake"                             -- Skyrim
    , "Ah shit, here we go again"                                 -- GTA San Andreas
    , "It’s a-me, Mario!"                                         -- Assassin's Creed II
    , "Nothing is more BADASS than treating a woman with RESPECT" -- Borderlands 2
    -- truncated --

    These are the quotes!

  4. Add your quote in the middle. Simply add a line, start with a comma, and put your quote inside double-quotes. Likes this:
    quotes :: [String]
    quotes =
    [ "Hey you, you're finally awake"                             -- Skyrim
    , "Ah shit, here we go again"                                 -- GTA San Andreas
    , "It’s a-me, Mario!"                                         -- Assassin's Creed II
    , "Counter terrorists win"                                    -- Counter Strike
    , "Nothing is more BADASS than treating a woman with RESPECT" -- Borderlands 2
    -- truncated --

    and then save the file.

  5. Now tell git that you want to save your changes by running
    git add src/Lib.hs
    git commit -m "<insert quote here>"

    Replace <insert quote here> with your added quote

  6. Now, publish your changes to your fork. Run git push
  7. You're almost done. If you go to your repository, you should see a button "Compare & Pull Request". Click on it and follow the steps there. Label your PR with PR: adding quotes
  8. Click on the :tada: emoji ! Your PR will be reviewed and merged, for your quote to be shared by the community!

What now?

You can checkout the contribution guide, explore good first issues, or start learning Haskell! Learn you a haskell is a great resource.

ssanj commented 3 years ago

I noticed these are mostly game quotes. Are these types of quotes expected?

TheMC47 commented 3 years ago

I noticed these are mostly game quotes. Are these types of quotes expected?

@ssanj thank you for your comment! No, not at all. You could add whatever you want there, and I plan to somehow provide some customization options (like choosing a category of quotes, or reading quotes from a custom file). But I guess it's not happening soon.

PS: I started this repository as a part of an assignment, but I guess I'll keep coming back to it and add more stuff