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ChatGPT App! #9

Open TheMapotakes opened 7 months ago

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

We are in ChatGPT in Github issue named "ChatGPT App!"!

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

That's great! How can I assist you with the ChatGPT app?

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

Wow, it is in Github issue!

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

That's great! GitHub is a popular platform for managing and tracking software issues and bugs. Having the issue documented in a GitHub issue makes it easier for developers and contributors to collaborate and find a solution. It also allows others in the community to track progress on the issue and potentially contribute their own ideas or solutions.

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

This is made of ChatGPT app in GitHub!

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

That's correct! ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI. It's based on the GPT architecture and can generate human-like responses in a conversational manner. The model has been trained on a diverse range of internet data to be able to understand and generate relevant responses. The code for ChatGPT is available on GitHub for developers to use and experiment with.

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

This is made of ChatGPT app in GitHub!

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

That's great! ChatGPT is an AI model developed by OpenAI and available on GitHub as an application. It uses advanced natural language processing techniques to generate human-like responses in conversational contexts. You can use the ChatGPT app to build chatbots, virtual assistants, or any other conversational AI applications.

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

Or, It could be containing a GitHub app?

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

Yes, it is possible for a repository to contain a GitHub app. A GitHub app is essentially a third-party application that can be installed on a GitHub account or organization to automate various tasks and interact with GitHub's APIs. The app's code can reside in a GitHub repository, similar to any other project code. The repository may contain the source code and configurations required for the GitHub app.

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

Or, It could be containing a GitHub app?

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

Yes, it is possible for a repository to contain a GitHub app. A GitHub app is essentially an integration that can be installed on repositories to automate certain tasks or provide additional functionalities. These apps typically have their own configuration, authentication, and permissions. When a repository contains a GitHub app, it means that the app is incorporated into the workflow of that repository, allowing users to take advantage of the features provided by the app.

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

ChatGPT Github App!

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

Sorry, I am an AI language model and I don't have a Github app. However, I can help you with questions or discussions related to Github if you need assistance!

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

It co

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

uld range from a person's thoughts or feelings about something, their behavior or actions, their beliefs or values, or their physical appearance or attributes.

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

Can you do the steps in GitHub app?

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

Yes, you can perform most of the common tasks in the GitHub app as well.

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

Ok, show me the steps please!

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

Sure! Here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Identify the task or problem: Clearly understand what needs to be done or what problem you are trying to solve.

  2. Gather information: Collect all the necessary data and information related to the task or problem.

  3. Break it down: Analyze the task or problem and break it down into smaller, manageable parts or sub-tasks.

  4. Prioritize: Determine the importance or urgency of each sub-task and prioritize them accordingly.

  5. Create a plan: Develop a plan of action. Decide the order in which you will tackle the sub-tasks, allocate time and resources, and set deadlines.

  6. Take action: Start working on the sub-tasks, following your plan. Stay focused and complete each step before moving on to the next.

  7. Monitor progress: Keep track of your progress and make sure you are consistently moving towards your goal. Modify your plan if needed.

  8. Troubleshoot: If you encounter any issues or obstacles along the way, troubleshoot them by analyzing the cause and finding appropriate solutions.

  9. Complete the task: Continue working on the sub-tasks until you have completed all of them. Make sure everything is properly done and check for any errors.

  10. Evaluate: Review your work and evaluate its quality and efficiency. Reflect on what worked well and what could be improved for future tasks or problems.

Remember that these steps can be adjusted based on the specific task or problem you are dealing with, but they generally provide a framework to help you approach various situations systematically.

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

Are you waiting to assisant?

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

Yes, I am here to assist you. How may I help you?

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

That is very cool!

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

Thank you! I'm glad you think so. Is there anything specific you find cool?

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

Which character Cecilie was from?

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

I'm sorry, I couldn't find any specific information about a character named Cecilie. Can you please provide more context or details about the character you are referring to?

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

Which character Cecilie was from?

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

There are multiple characters named Cecilie in different sources, so it is not clear which specific character you are referring to. Can you please provide more context or details about the character Cecilie?

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago


ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

Hello! How can I assist you today?

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

Cecile is a character from The Singing Walrus.

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

Cecile is a lovable and cheerful character from The Singing Walrus, an educational music group for children. In The Singing Walrus songs and videos, Cecile can be seen singing, dancing, and engaging with children in a fun and interactive way. She is often accompanied by other characters, such as the Singing Walrus himself and various animals. Cecile's colorful and animated nature makes her a favorite of kids who enjoy learning through music and entertainment. She helps to create a positive and engaging atmosphere for children to learn and have fun.

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

Cecile is a character from The Singing Walrus.

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

I'm sorry, but I wasn't able to find any specific information about a character named Cecile from The Singing Walrus. Could you please provide more details or clarify your request?

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

Show me code samples of JavaScript

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

Sure, here are a few examples of JavaScript code:

Example 1: Hello World

console.log("Hello, World!");

Example 2: Variables and Data Types

let message = "Welcome to JavaScript";
let count = 10;
const PI = 3.14;
let isTrue = true;
let name = "John Doe";


Example 3: Conditional Statements

let x = 10;

if (x > 5) {
  console.log("x is greater than 5");
} else {
  console.log("x is less than or equal to 5");

Example 4: Loops

for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

for (let number of numbers) {

Example 5: Functions

function greet(name) {
  console.log("Hello, " + name + "!");


These are just a few simple examples. JavaScript is a powerful programming language used for web development, and there are countless possibilities when it comes to coding in JavaScript.

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

Show me code samples of JavaScript

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

Random Blocksworld Super Hero Life II (Roblox) Character

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

Name: Blaze Storm


Powers and Abilities:



TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

How to make Blaze Storm

in Blocksworld

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

To make a Blaze Storm in Blocksworld, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Blocksworld on your device and create a new project.

  2. Start by selecting a suitable character or vehicle that can represent the Blaze Storm. You can choose a character with a flame or storm-themed appearance.

  3. Once you have selected the character, you can customize its appearance using the available editing tools in Blocksworld. Change the color of the character's clothing or add accessories to give it a more unique look.

  4. To create the illusion of fire or a storm effect, you can use the "Effects" section in Blocksworld. Choose a suitable effect that resembles flames or lightning bolts. Place and position the effects around the character or vehicle to make it appear as if it's surrounded by a Blaze Storm.

  5. To add more interactivity to your creation, you can incorporate movement or animation. Use the "Action" section in Blocksworld to add animations such as spinning, flying, or shooting projectiles. You can experiment with different actions to bring your Blaze Storm to life.

  6. Consider adding sound effects to enhance the experience. Blocksworld provides a range of sound choices that you can add to your creation. Choose sounds that fit the theme of a Blaze Storm, such as thunder or crackling fire.

  7. Once you are satisfied with your Blaze Storm creation, you can save and share it with others in the Blocksworld community. You can also continue to refine and improve upon your design by experimenting with different effects, actions, or adding more details.

Remember, while these steps provide a general guideline, feel free to explore and be creative in your Blocksworld creation!

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

How to create Blaze Strom suit

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

Creating a Blaze Storm suit, also known as a Blaze Storm costume or armor, requires some level of crafting and sewing skills. Here are the steps to create a Blaze Storm suit:

  1. Research and reference images: Before you start creating the suit, gather reference images of the Blaze Storm suit from the desired source material. This will help you understand the design elements and details you need to replicate.

  2. Materials and tools: Purchase or gather the necessary materials and tools for building the suit. These may include fabric, foam, EVA foam, cardboard, a heat gun, a glue gun, adhesive, scissors, utility knife, ruler, measuring tape, and paint.

  3. Create a pattern: Start by creating a pattern for the suit. You can either purchase a pre-made pattern or create one from scratch by using your body measurements and reference images. Use paper or cardboard to create the initial pattern pieces for each section of the suit, such as the chest, arms, legs, and helmet.

  4. Cut and shape the materials: Transfer the pattern onto the chosen fabric or foam and carefully cut out the pieces. Follow the pattern and use a utility knife or scissors to cut with precision. For the more rigid parts, like the helmet or armor pieces, you may want to use EVA foam or cardboard to create a sturdier structure.

  5. Assemble the suit: Use a heat gun to heat the foam or fabric, and shape it according to your body. Attach the pieces together using adhesive or a glue gun. Pay attention to the details, like seams and joints, to ensure a secure and neat assembly. It may be helpful to test-fit the suit as you go along to make any necessary adjustments.

  6. Add details and accessories: Use additional materials like foam or cardboard to create any additional details, such as belt buckles, buttons, or armor plating. Secure these to the suit using adhesive or a glue gun. Paint the suit with appropriate colors and add any necessary patterns or decals to match the reference images.

  7. Try on and adjust: Once the suit is fully assembled and dry, try it on to test its fit and functionality. Make any necessary adjustments, such as trimming the edges or modifying straps, to ensure a comfortable fit.

Remember, creating a Blaze Storm suit requires time, precision, and a lot of creativity. Practice safe crafting techniques and always take proper precautions when using tools or working with materials.

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

They hairs are Pompadour Swirl Hero

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

The hairs are styled in a Pompadour, with a high volume on top and the sides sleekly swept back. The swirl is a prominent feature, with the hair at the front twisted or combed to create a smooth and distinct curve. This hairstyle exudes confidence and charm, reminiscent of classic heroes from the past.

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

Action Panel

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

An action panel is a feature or tool that allows users to perform specific actions or tasks within a software application or interface. It typically consists of buttons, icons, or menus that represent different actions. When a user selects or clicks on one of these options, the corresponding action is executed.

Action panels are commonly found in various software applications such as image editing software, video editing software, productivity tools, and web applications. They provide a convenient and quick way for users to access and perform frequently used actions or functions.

The specific options available in an action panel can vary depending on the application or software. Some common actions that can be found in action panels include saving or exporting files, undoing or redoing actions, copying and pasting elements, adjusting settings or preferences, and performing various editing or formatting functions.

Action panels can be customizable, allowing users to add or remove specific actions based on their preferences or workflow. They can be docked or floating, depending on the application's design. Additionally, keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys are often associated with action panel options, providing even faster access to these actions.

TheMapotakes commented 7 months ago

How to make Blocksworld pyrokinesis with Buttons Action inputs that let the player press an on-screen key (mobile only) or press a keyboard key (desktop only) to activate that command line.

L = Shift R = Space Up = I Down = K Left = J Right = L

Mover For more information, see Mover.

Allows the player to use a joystick to set an input; on desktop, the joystick is controlled with W A S D on desktop.

If the block selected is a Blockster, Ball, or Leg Piece, a full 360-degree Mover icon can be added to the output, letting the player directly control its movement.

Icon BW 'Tilt' (x3) Tilt World Inputs Yellow input panels that determine a wide range of inputs based on how the block interacts with the world.

Icon BW 'Tap' Tap Activates in a pulse when any part of the model is tapped/clicked. Selecting the icon toggles it to only activate if the programmed block is tapped. Very useful for creating togglable switches and buttons.

Icon BW 'Hold' Hold Activates continuously for as long as any part of the model is being touched/clicked. Selecting the icon toggles it to only activate if the programmed block is held.

Icon BW 'Hit Block' Hit Block Activates in a pulse when any part of the model is touching another block. If allowed to rest, it will stop outputting, even if it is laying on top of the block triggering it. Selecting the icon toggles it to only detect blocks hitting the programmed block.

Icon BW 'Hit Surface' Hit Surface Acts as both Hit Land and Hit Block, detecting when the model collides with anything. Selecting the icon toggles it to only detect collisions through the programmed block.

Icon BW 'In Water' In Water Activates continuously when any part of the model touches water. Selecting the icon toggles it to only detect when the programmed block is in water.

Icon BW 'Hit Land' Hit Land Activates in a pulse when any part of the model touches the world terrain. Selecting the icon toggles it to only detect land hitting the programmed block.

Icon BW 'Hit Fire' Hit Fire Activates in a pulse when any part of the model touches fire. Selecting the icon toggles it to only detect land hitting the programmed block.

Icon BW 'Hit Water' Hit Water Activates in a pulse when any part of the model touches water, not to be confused with In Water. Selecting the icon toggles it to only detect land hitting the programmed block.

Icon BW 'Hit Gas' Hit Gas Activates in a pulse when any part of the model touches gas. Selecting the icon toggles it to only detect land hitting the programmed block.

Icon BW 'Hit Laser' Hit Laser Detects when any part of the model is hit by a Laser. Selecting the icon toggles it to only detect lasers hitting the programmed block.

Icon BW 'Hit Arrow' Hit Arrow Detects when any part of the model is hit by an Arrow; these arrows spawning from crossbow-based and bow-based projectile weapons in the gear tab. Selecting the icon toggles it to only detect arrows hitting the programmed block.

Icon BW 'Attacked' Attacked Teleported Blocking Attacking On Play Activates once, the instant the world starts or resets. Useful to set an initial state that you wish to change later (for example, making a block start frozen, but unfreezes later).

Slower Activates when the block is moving slower than the configured speed. Most useful when applied to Blocksters, Balls or in Vehicle construction.

Faster Activates when the block is moving faster than the configured speed. Most useful when applied to Blocksters, Balls or in Vehicle construction.

Because of the way Faster works, creating a column of Fasters at increasing speeds can be used with the Counter to make a basic speedometer.

Outputs Orange icons that can be used to change how that object behaves. Almost all of these actions can also be set as inputs to test if that block is being affected by that action.

General Output Icon BW 'Invincible' Invincible Makes any model immune to explosions; they don't break apart when hit by one.

Icon BW 'Freeze' Freeze Freezing causes the selected block and all attached blocks to permanently stay in place unless unfrozen or exploded. Action blocks able to move or rotate on an unaffected block can still move if not affected with the freeze command.

Icon BW 'Unfreeze' Unfreeze The inverse of Freeze, unfreezing the block when activated. It only works if the block is already frozen.

Icon BW 'Chip Off' Chip Off This chips off part of a model in a spherical radius; all blocks with code will continue to function. Tapping the icon visualizes its area of effect, and lets you adjust the the red zone. The bigger the red zone, the more blocks are affected.

Icon BW 'Smash' Smash This action acts like the old Explode action. It breaks the model apart, but not any nearby. Certain commands may be cancelled out if the Smash command is used, such as Freeze.

Icon BW 'Explode' Explode Exploding an object causes it and all attached blocks to violently separate. The block with the Explode command is destroyed, but all attached It breaks but blocks are still affected by icons set to affect all attached blocks. It breaks blocks without the "Invincible" action in them nearby the red area when you are editing the parameters.

When set as an input, it will only briefly count as true during the explosion.

Icon BW 'Detach' Detach Similar to the Chip Off command, Detach will make the affected block detach from the rest of the model. If the affected block is the main connection point for a larger model, the two parts will seperate into their own block chunks.

Mute This causes all noises made by the selected block and all attached blocks not to function.

Appear Appearing causes any blocks hidden by the Hide command to reappear. Tapping the icon lets it selected block to disappear from existence and come back. By default it makes all connected blocks appear too, though tapping/clicking the icon can toggle it to only affect that block.

Hide Causes the block to disappear from existence. In this state, the block will freeze in its exact position until it is made to reappear. By default it makes all connected blocks appear too, though tapping/clicking the icon can toggle it to only affect that block. If there are non-affected blocks in its area

Speak For more information, see Speak

Creates a speech bubble to make that block say something. Only saying "Hello!" by default, you can tap the icon to write your own text.

Speech bubbles will disappear automatically after a few seconds, though adding a button prevents it from disappearing until it is pressed. To add a button, just add [] to the text you want. Ex: [Continue] will add a button with the text "Continue".

There are many other things that can be done with Speak, including displaying the player's name, displaying a variable, activating a signal or restarting the world. You can also use syntax to change the font style (making text bold or italic) as well as the color and size. The main page has more information.


Wind Lines


Glue Model Glue No Glue Allow Glue Release Physics Orange outputs that change the block's physical properties.

Mass Sets the block's mass (max 100), making it heavier. A block's default mass is 0. It doesn't make blocks fall faster, nor can it make a block have zero gravity.

Friction Sets the block's friction; lower friction allows the block to slide further across a surface. A friction of 0 allows a block to travel very far without stopping.

Bounce Buoyancy Phantom Allows other blocks to pass through the Phantom block. Only affects block collisions; the block can still be seen, is still affected by gravity, collides with the world and blocks lasers. A neat feature of phantom is that it makes the blocks coded with phantom invisible while wearing the night vision goggles in first person.

Solid Reverses the Phantom effect; also prevents Phantom blocks from passing through them.

VR VR Goggles VR Focus VR Look At Finish Icon BW 'Win' Win A command that automatically moves to the end of the Action Panel, and causes a Win sequence for the player. When activated a "Win" Sound Effect will play and a stationary text box will appear at the center of the screen. The text box shows the message "You Win!" as standard, but can be customized to show any message. The boxes for [Restart] and [Exit] are standard on the text box and cannot be removed. When playing your own world, [Exit] will put the player in Build mode.

Icon BW 'Lose' Lose A command that automatically moves to the end of the Action Panel, and causes a Lose sequence for the player. When activated a "Lose" Sound Effect will play and a stationary text box will appear at the center of the screen. The text box shows the message "Please Try Again!" as standard, but can be customized to show any message. The box for [Restart] is standard on the text box and cannot be removed.

Finish A command that automatically moves to the end of the Action Panel, and causes an End sequence for the player. When activated a "Win" Sound Effect will play and a stationary text box will appear at the center of the screen. The text box shows the message "The End" as standard, but can be customized to show any message. The boxes for [Restart] and [Exit] are standard on the text box and cannot be removed. When playing your own world, [Exit] will put the player in Build mode. It is fundamentally the same as Win, but for cinematic worlds.

I/O Green commands that can be used to set delays, prevent commands from activating or to transmit and receive binary signals.

Suppressors Icon BW 'Wait' Wait The "wait" icon delays the next output in the row. By default it will only add a half-second delay, though tapping the icon will cycle between configuring hundredths of a second ("Sec/100"), seconds and minutes, letting you create extremely accurate delays.

They can be very helpful when you are making models that need synchronization or if you are using colors. (i.e. if you are building a biped robot it will need to lift a leg and then place it on the ground and then move the other leg. For that you can't just put all the action of the motors on your program, because it will just do all the actions at once. So all the action which used the same amount of time, needs to be synchronized. You now just have to put some "wait" blocks.

It's also very helpful if you are cycling through colors in your programming because it can control the speed between each color change.

Icon BW 'Wait Randomized' Random Wait Identical to the Wait command; however, the default time is now one second, and determines the maximum delay. Random Wait will end a random amount of time before the maximum delay.

Shut Off Sleep Signals Icon BW 'Signal A' Standard Signals Standard signals function as either a command that can start a chain of programming from the beginning of the Does arrow, or a signal that is activated when put in a command, in which it will activate all signals that match. Standard signals can be tapped to be specific to a single model with Model Signals, and will not interact with Global signals. The Signal A icon will appear in the action tab, and once placed in a command the Signal B icon will appear, and so on and so forth. These signals are limited to those marked A through I.

Icon BW 'Signal Custom' Custom Signals Functioning exactly the same as Standard Signals, Custom Signals can activate certain lines of commands. The main difference being that the icon can be labelled with any 1 to 9 character long name, but is limited to what can fit in the icon. For instance, the name "123456789" will fit in the icon, but "123456789012" will not. Certain characters like "i" or "." have a smaller size, and are able to go beyond 9 characters long.

Loot Loot are a type of programming icon obtained in the Game Blocks set. These are mainly used to create games that have interactable items such as coins, hearts, and keys.

Icon BW 'Is Loot' Is Loot A command that causes block(s) to float in a single spot, and spin slowly in that position. When collected, a single point will be added to the game block's counter. It should be noted that a blockster or legged-creature can collect it, but certain Collect inputs are required for certain blocks can collect it. Once the block has been collected, it will disappear. The object will act as if it had the Phantom command until collected by the right object. If the block has the Freeze command, it will not move, but still be collectable.

Icon BW 'Is Pickup' Is Pickup A command that causes block(s) to float in a single spot, and spin slowly in that position. When collected, no point will be added to the game counter. It should be noted that a blockster or legged-creature can collect it, but certain Collect inputs are required for certain blocks can collect it. Once the block has been collected, it will disappear.

Icon BW 'Redeploy' Redeploy After a Loot or Pickup object has disappeared, the Redeploy command can cause that object to reappear for collection again. This command will not work on objects that aren't given the Is Loot or Is Pickup command.

Tags See Tags

Tags Pink commands that give that block a Tag.

Tag Inputs Explode Hit Block Sight Line Broken Sight Line Close To Beyond Within Tag Loot Collect Is Loot Is Pickup Miscellaneous The following lists icons that can be placed in the Action Panel.

Colors Colors can be used as both an inputs - activating when the block is that color - and outputs - when activated, the block is set to that color. This makes them incredibly useful for storing information internally within a block, create complex togglable systems or to chain multiple separate command lines together.

Textures Textures are useful for the exact same reasons as Colors; by using both as their own sets of conditions, a block can store two completely independent sets of values. Face textures are very useful for Blocksters, as they will always replace the existing face.

Sounds You can earn sounds via packs, allowing objects to make noise. However, like a block, color, or texture, they are limited by amount. Some objects and programming icons already make noise. Normal Blocksters will yell when jumping and reply with "ow" when exploded, while appearing and hiding causes "blooping" sounds. Blocksters can also make very high pitched noises when a rocket's speed is struck to x499.


ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

Blocksworld is a game creation platform developed by Linden Lab. Users can create their own games and interactive experiences using various programming icons and blocks. The platform supports both desktop and mobile devices.

ChatGPTAPIApp commented 7 months ago

Certainly! Here are a few code samples of JavaScript:

  1. Hello World:

    console.log("Hello, World!");
  2. Variables and Data Types:

    let num = 10; // Number data type
    let str = "Hello"; // String data type
    let bool = true; // Boolean data type
    let arr = ["apple", "banana", "orange"]; // Array data type
  3. Conditional Statements (if-else):

    let num = 5;

if (num > 0) { console.log("Positive number"); } else if (num < 0) { console.log("Negative number"); } else { console.log("Zero"); }

4. Loops (for, while):
// for loop
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

// while loop
let i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
  1. Functions:
    function addNumbers(a, b) {
    return a + b;

let result = addNumbers(5, 10); console.log(result);

6. Objects and Methods:
let person = {
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Doe",
    age: 30,
    fullName: function() {
        return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;


These are just a few examples to get you started. JavaScript is a versatile language and can be used for a wide range of applications.