TheNEStOnline / Multi-Extrusion-post-processing-scripts-for-Slic3r

useful postprocessing scripts for Slic3r, mostly adding dual extrusion features
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[Request] Ram-Purging #6

Open tcm0116 opened 7 years ago

tcm0116 commented 7 years ago

First of all, I want to say great job on what you've put together. I especially like how you've implemented more of an infill in the tower when there are no tool changes rather than just printing a solid tower and wasting a bunch of material.

I've been looking at various ways to combat the oozing of the inactive extruder that can lead to sloppy prints, and one method I ran across is called ram-purging. This method basically forces molten material out of the nozzle by quickly extruding an amount of filament and then very quickly retracting the filament. The process is document in this post:

In order to incorporate this into your script, there are several modifications that would need to be made:

  1. Create the towers as hollow objects so that the ram-purge process can be accomplished in the center hollow area of the towers.
  2. On a tool change, move the nozzle that is being deactivated to the center of the tower and perform the ram-purge.
  3. After the ram-purge is complete, wipe the nozzle on the tower to remove the material that was purged.

I'm planning on looking at what it would take to incorporate this into your script, but if you have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated.

TheNEStOnline commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the nice words :)

That could be a fine add on the only downside is that I wrote the tower infill builder as a kind of a sequence so it dose not react to the shape of the tower it just keeps the infill in side the tower. This means that we need a more sophisticated way of building the infill.

I will try to see if I can find some time to look at this, you know with the up-cumming summer vacation with the family and I'm currently building HyperCube 3D printer, it not that easy :)

TheNEStOnline commented 7 years ago

Hehe and easy way could be to just divide the tower infill into 9 squares and then leave the center one empty but that would give a lot of unnecessary moves when printing infill.