TheNathannator / WiitarThing

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Entire PC bluescreens upon connecting wiimote. #9

Open mav1o1 opened 1 year ago

mav1o1 commented 1 year ago I have reinstalled vigembus multiple times, and restarted my pc, but the error still persists.

TheNathannator commented 1 year ago

Well, that's not good lol

I really hope it's not some more memory corruption stuff I need to look into, that's gonna be painful to work out. I had to do that for the most recent couple versions, but I already had a suspicion on what was happening that time. Here I've got no ideas.

mav1o1 commented 1 year ago

Here's a picture of the error it throws up before I blue screens. It was very hard to take a picture of, as it only shows up for around half a second before the PC crashes, but it might help.

mav1o1 commented 1 year ago


TheNathannator commented 1 year ago

That error seems rather nonsense, unfortunately. Can you upload the WiitarLog.txt file inside your WiitarThing folder? Assuming it didn't get corrupted from the crash...

I'll see if there's anything I can do to test for memory corruption. I may also have to get in touch with the ViGEmBus developer about the bluescreen, so I'll need the memory dump file Windows created:

  1. Go to C:\Windows and copy the MEMORY.DMP file to your desktop (do not move it, you will get file permission issues otherwise)
  2. Use 7-Zip to compress it: right-click the dump, go to 7-Zip > Add to archive..., set the compression level to Ultra, and start it. It will take a while to finish.
  3. Once it's done, upload the compressed file to something like Google Drive and post the link here. I'll let you know when I've grabbed it so you can delete it.
mav1o1 commented 1 year ago

The log file was blank, unfortunately, but here's the .dmp file:

TheNathannator commented 1 year ago

Alright, downloaded it. I figured the log file would be blank, very high chance of corruption when a file gets written very shortly before a crash lol

When I get a chance I'll investigate further, thanks for posting an issue!

TheNathannator commented 1 year ago

I finally got around to checking the crash dump, it's definitely ViGEmBus at fault here but the error code is different than what I see in the video. I definitely suspect some more memory corruption, if it were an actual bug I'd assume it would be the same code.

Aside from that though, it may be worth it to try reinstalling ViGEmBus if you haven't yet. At some point before I got those initial memory corruption issues fixed, I started getting ViGEmBus crashes of a similar nature which were fixed after a reinstall. Dunno what made it persist lol, but it was almost certainly related to the corruption.

mav1o1 commented 1 year ago

Hey, just checking in: the blue screen also occurs when using x360ce, a separate ViGEmBus-based application, so it's definitely something related to that.

TheNathannator commented 1 year ago

Yeah, definitely sounds like you should try reinstalling ViGEmBus.

I still haven't gotten to doing any memory corruption tests yet, but since it's occuring with other programs I'm more doubtful it's an issue on WiitarThing's side. I still want to do that though, who knows what other issues are hiding in this codebase...

scottysace commented 1 year ago

i have the crash without the bluescreen when pressing sync i created a seperate user for my pc and it doesnt present the error on there which is weird here is the WiitarLog if its any help WiitarLog.log

scottysace commented 1 year ago

i found out what was causing it something to do with my color profile set heres the fix

TheNathannator commented 1 year ago

I thought I fixed that bug already lol, I probably need to make a similar fix somewhere in the sync menu.