Closed DestroyerV closed 6 days ago
Adding on to this: the "mobile" browser is opening in desktop mode and the user agent string is the same as the desktop one.
After some investigation, I found that passing the browserListQuery
option to generateFingerprint()
seems to be causing the devices
and operatingSystems
options to be ignored. I tried two workarounds:
with the string "last 1 ChromeAndroid versions"
doesn't have a specific flag for mobile Edgebrowsers: ['edge']
instead of browserListQuery
I haven't tried rolling back to an earlier version of the script, but that should be the same thing as the second workaround I mentioned anyways. I'll report back if I figure out a solution.
Indeed seems to be an issue, browserlist doesn't seem to have support for the mobile version of Edge.
Thinking of just dropping chromium and using actual MS Edge instead,
Thinking of just dropping chromium and using actual MS Edge instead,
I had to wait until today for my searches to be reset so I could test but I just got around to it:
I uncommented the channel: 'msedge'
line (which produced an Edge browser as expected) but I still didn't get any points for mobile searches. This test was done with browsers: ['edge']
instead of browserListQuery
because I still haven't figured out why fingerprint-generator
ignores the other parameters when its used.
The mobile check-in and read-to-earn still work. Not really sure why, I'm guessing maybe those pages aren't as strict when it comes to checking fingerprints (since they technically should only be accessible through the Bing app anyways), but that's a total shot in the dark.
Either way, I'm fairly confident in saying this breakage didn't have anything to do with the 1.4.11 update. I've tried rolling back the whole script to 1.4.10 as well as just rolling back the dependencies that were updated but I still saw the exact same behavior.
check-in and read-to-earn use the API, fingerprints are only for the actual browser, Having the fingerprint AND msedge is counteractive since the fingerprint will override the user-agent of the actual browser.
I figured as much but didn't think it'd matter. But I realize now that Playwright will use the system-installed Edge which is most likely better than using a generated fingerprint anyways.
so mobile search won't work for now right?
Correct, downgrade to .10 for now, when I have time I'll see if I can switch it up to make it work again.
Correct, downgrade to .10 for now, when I have time I'll see if I can switch it up to make it work again. Thank you
Just now I updated mobile finger-print manually and started testing, I will update shortly in 1 hour.
It is working now after updating fingerprint and getting points for mobile search.
[10/5/2024, 9:37:42 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [SEARCH-BING] Completed searches [10/5/2024, 9:37:43 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [BROWSER] Created browser with User-Agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1" [10/5/2024, 9:37:43 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [MAIN] Starting MOBILE browser [10/5/2024, 9:37:55 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [LOGIN] Email entered successfully [10/5/2024, 9:37:58 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [LOGIN] Password entered successfully [10/5/2024, 9:38:05 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [LOGIN] Successfully logged into the rewards portal [10/5/2024, 9:38:05 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [LOGIN-BING] Verifying Bing login [10/5/2024, 9:38:05 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [LOGIN] Logged into Microsoft successfully [10/5/2024, 9:38:11 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [LOGIN] Logged in successfully [10/5/2024, 9:38:11 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [LOGIN-BING] Bing login verification passed! [10/5/2024, 9:38:20 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [GO-HOME] Visited homepage successfully [10/5/2024, 9:38:22 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [DAILY-CHECK-IN] Starting Daily Check In [10/5/2024, 9:38:22 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [READ-TO-EARN] Starting Read to Earn [10/5/2024, 9:38:22 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [DAILY-CHECK-IN] Already claimed today [10/5/2024, 9:38:22 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [READ-TO-EARN] Completed Read to Earn [10/5/2024, 9:38:22 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [READ-TO-EARN] Read all available articles [10/5/2024, 9:38:30 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [GO-HOME] Visited homepage successfully [10/5/2024, 9:38:30 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [SEARCH-BING] Starting Bing searches [10/5/2024, 9:38:32 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [SEARCH-GOOGLE-TRENDS] Generating search queries, can take a while! | GeoLocale: GB [10/5/2024, 9:38:34 AM] [PID: 29388] [LOG] [SEARCH-BING] 60 Points Remaining | Query: daniel day-lewis | Mobile: true
This is the fingerprint i used
"fingerprint": {
"screen": {
"availHeight": 844,
"availWidth": 390,
"pixelDepth": 24,
"height": 844,
"width": 390,
"availTop": 0,
"availLeft": 0,
"colorDepth": 24,
"innerHeight": 844,
"outerHeight": 844,
"outerWidth": 390,
"innerWidth": 390,
"screenX": 0,
"pageXOffset": 0,
"pageYOffset": 0,
"devicePixelRatio": 3,
"clientWidth": 390,
"clientHeight": 844,
"hasHDR": true
"navigator": {
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"userAgentData": {
"brands": [
{"brand": "Safari", "version": "17"},
{"brand": "Apple", "version": "15"}
"mobile": true,
"platform": "iOS",
"architecture": "ARM",
"bitness": "64",
"fullVersionList": [
{"brand": "Safari", "version": "17.0"},
{"brand": "Apple", "version": "15.0"}
"model": "iPhone 15",
"platformVersion": "17.0",
"uaFullVersion": "17.0.0"
"language": "en-US",
"languages": ["en-US"],
"platform": "iPhone",
"deviceMemory": 4,
"hardwareConcurrency": 6,
"maxTouchPoints": 10,
"product": "Gecko",
"productSub": "20100101",
"vendor": "Apple Inc.",
"vendorSub": null,
"doNotTrack": null,
"appCodeName": "Mozilla",
"appName": "Netscape",
"appVersion": "5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"oscpu": null,
"extraProperties": {
"vendorFlavors": ["safari"],
"isBluetoothSupported": true,
"globalPrivacyControl": null,
"pdfViewerEnabled": true,
"installedApps": []
"webdriver": false
"audioCodecs": {
"ogg": "",
"mp3": "probably",
"wav": "probably",
"m4a": "maybe",
"aac": "probably"
"videoCodecs": {
"ogg": "",
"h264": "probably",
"webm": ""
"pluginsData": {
"plugins": [
"name": "QuickTime Plugin",
"description": "Handles video, sound, and interactive content",
"filename": "QuickTime Plugin.plugin",
"mimeTypes": [
{"type": "video/quicktime", "suffixes": "mov", "description": "QuickTime Movie"}
"mimeTypes": [
"QuickTime Movievideo/quicktimemov"
"battery": {
"charging": true,
"chargingTime": null,
"dischargingTime": null,
"level": 0.85
"videoCard": {
"vendor": "Apple",
"renderer": "Apple A17 Pro GPU"
"multimediaDevices": {
"speakers": [{"deviceId": "", "kind": "audiooutput", "label": "", "groupId": ""}],
"micros": [{"deviceId": "", "kind": "audioinput", "label": "", "groupId": ""}],
"webcams": [{"deviceId": "", "kind": "videoinput", "label": "", "groupId": ""}]
"fonts": ["San Francisco", "SF Pro Text", "SF Pro Display"],
"mockWebRTC": false,
"slim": true
"headers": {
"sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?1",
"sec-ch-ua-platform": "\"iOS\"",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br, zstd",
"accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,/;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7",
"sec-ch-ua": "\"Safari\";v=\"17\", \"Apple\";v=\"15\"",
"upgrade-insecure-requests": "1",
"accept-language": "en-US",
"sec-fetch-site": "same-site",
"sec-fetch-mode": "navigate",
"sec-fetch-user": "?1",
"sec-fetch-dest": "document"
I tried this fingerprint and it works properly
I tried this fingerprint and it works properly
Thank you. I'm curious, how did you make this?
mobile_fingerpint.json I tried this fingerprint and it works properly
Thank you. I'm curious, how did you make this?
I did same, I replaced mobile_fingerprint.json with the fingerprint I provided in my previous reply.
I got that fingerprint from chatGPT.
The problem is that it's a "static" fingerprint, rather than a new one being generated. So not much use for this project. The one you provided almost looks identical to the ones being generated in 0.10, since that too uses an outdated version of Edge, .124
Il problema è che si tratta di un'impronta digitale "statica", piuttosto che di una nuova che viene generata. Quindi non è molto utile per questo progetto. Quello che hai fornito sembra quasi identico a quelli generati nella versione 0.10, poiché anche quello utilizza una versione obsoleta di Edge, .124
yes friend it's a static from the previous version. have find this library
The project is already using that package.
Correct, downgrade to .10 for now, when I have time I'll see if I can switch it up to make it work again.
Just to let you know, downgrading to 1.4.10 did not resolve the issue for me. Not sure if that's due to a problem on my end but my setup hasn't changed (running in a Win10 VM) apart from Playwright requiring me to re-install its Chrome browser (v1138 -> v1440).
Edit: I tried to do a desktop-only run like I have been for a couple days and I'm not getting desktop search points either. Maybe my account is flagged?
I already seem to have fixed the issue in regards to points. What I'm currently struggling with is if there's a a new kind of cooldown for searches, and if so what is it, can that data be fetched somewhere. Or are cooldowns to result of the scripts searches. Since it seems It's around 3 searches (9 points) per 15min? But that also seems to vary.
Searches also no longer the requirement to be the Edge browser, from testing this works fine without.
I hope someone can help me figure this one out, with some more information on the situation.
Also fun fact, whilst peaking around I found that MS does fingerprint, however it doesn't seem to be enabled for some reason. You can see it within this script, this is loaded when you do a search on
//<![CDATA[ sj_evt && sj_evt.bind( "onRALoad", function() { var reportActivityModule = new ModernRewards.ReportActivity({"AnimateHeader":true,"IsAuthenticated":true,"DashboardUrl":"","IsMobileClient":false,"RewardsIncrement":1,"RewardsSessionData":{"IsRewardUser":true,"IsLinkedUser":false,"IsTenantEnabled":false,"IsAadUser":false,"IsTrialUser":false,"TrialUserClaimBalance":-1.0,"IsRebatesUser":false,"IsRebatesDeniedUser":false,"Balance":10087,"RewardsBalance":10087,"GiveBalance":0,"RebatesBalance":0.0,"IsGiveModeOn":false,"GiveModeCid":"","GiveModeCName":"","PreviousBalance":10087,"GoalTrackBalance":0,"IsLevel2":true,"IsOptOut":false,"IsSuspended":false,"ShowAnimation":false,"EPuid":"REDACTED","IsRedirectedFromOldDashboard":false,"ImpressionLifeTimeCount":0,"DailyImpressionHPCount":0,"DailyImpressionSerpCount":1,"VisitedCount":35,"LastVisitTime":"2024-10-08T07:00:00Z","LastAutoOpenFlyoutTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","LastRewardsDashboardVisitTimeEpoch":1728378636,"LastRewardsFlyoutLoadTimeEpoch":1728378635,"LastRewardsL2AutoGoBigFlyoutLoadTime":0,"AutoOpenFlyoutFlag":false,"IsCLOUser":false,"Waitlist":"2","IsAdultMSA":"0","IsMSA18":"0","IsCcpEligible":"2","HasUsedCcpTrial":"0","SERPTheme":"","DailyCheckInProgress":0,"DailyCheckInAnimate":0,"LastAadRedDotShown":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","LastMedallionRedemptionAnimationImpression":"0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00","IsRedemptionReadyAndAnimationEnabled":false,"IsUserFirstMedallionImpressionToday":true,"MedallionGiftHoverTooltipText":"Ready to redeem","ShowMedallionFadeAnimation":false},"RewardsHeader":"Rewards","NeedUpdateRewardsHeaderLink":false,"AnimationAltText":"Animation","AutoOpenFlyout":false,"AutoOpenGoBigL2Scenario":"","IsAutoOpenGoBigL2Treatment":false,"BnpReportActivityProperties":{"IsBnpReportActivityEligible":false,"NotificationsInsertionPointId":2000,"PartnerId":"RewardsSerpPostLoad"},"AutoOpenFlyoutSuppressionReason":"","IsGiveHeaderTextEnabled":false,"IsGiveSerpHeaderTealHeartEnabled":false,"IsRewardsEntryPointEnabled":false,"BalanceMessage":null,"ShowNonMemberUpsellMessage":false,"LogWaitlistAutoJoin":false,"IsDailyCheckInMedallionAnimationEnabled":false,"UseRedDotFromBingDomain":true,"SendFingerprint":false,"SendFingerprintV4":false}); reportActivityModule.initialize(); }, 1 );; //]]>
Correct, downgrade to .10 for now, when I have time I'll see if I can switch it up to make it work again.
Just to let you know, downgrading to 1.4.10 did not resolve the issue for me. Not sure if that's due to a problem on my end but my setup hasn't changed (running in a Win10 VM) apart from Playwright requiring me to re-install its Chrome browser (v1138 -> v1440).
Edit: I tried to do a desktop-only run like I have been for a couple days and I'm not getting desktop search points either. Maybe my account is flagged?
My mobile searches did appear to fix after downgrading from 1.4.11 to 1.4.10. That being said, I'm using docker, so 'downgrading' was a full deletion of the script and full rebuild (noting that accounts.json, compose.yaml, and config.json persist so no need to reconfigure).
All of that to say, maybe delete your /dist folder and completely rebuild the script from to make sure there isn't any lingering weirdness with sessions, script pieces, etc (if you haven't already done so)?
Or are cooldowns to result of the scripts searches. Since it seems It's around 3 searches (9 points) per 15min? But that also seems to vary.
The best that I can find is that cooldowns appear to be inconsistently and seemingly randomly applied to accounts. Seems to be a few r/microsoftrewards posts about it lately so it might be triggering more often/randomly for people lately.
All I know: it's a '15 minute' cooldown after 3 maybe 4 searches before points can be earned again. Application of the cooldown appears random, with some part being country-related. It can last for days/weeks/months, it can randomly disappear. I have no idea how to know or tell if the cooldown is applied to an account, and it isn't clear what (if any) behaviour triggers it.
My solution has been to use larger timeouts that result in roughly 3-4 searches every 15 mins just-in-case (and more randomness in time between). I accidentally tried the default timeouts when I downgraded and it seemed to work just fine, which I take to mean that I don't have the cooldown applied to my account at the moment, but I keep the larger timeouts on just in case. The drawback of course is that the script takes much longer to complete (which I do headless, so less of an impact for me personally)
Thats about all I know and all I can dig up on my end!
my 'safe' timeouts are:
"searchDelay": {
"min": 180000,
"max": 270000
I have had cooldown in my region for a while and these values do seem to 'bypass' it without triggering a cooldown.
Yeah I've been fiddling with that, but sometimes it's hard to distinct if it's the timeout at play or a bad user-agent, since I'm still trying to find a stable way to generate valid user-agents with proper fingerprints.
However that sometimes result in PC searches working but not mobile, or the browser being detected as automation software.
So I've been tinkering a lot with it, the current package doesn't seem to be working well, very outdated browsers and randomly not respecting the parameters set.
However generating a fingerprint and just overriding the user-agent will get flagged as fake, since it doesn't match the generated fingerprint.
my 'safe' timeouts are:
"searchDelay": { "min": 180000, "max": 270000 },
I have had cooldown in my region for a while and these values do seem to 'bypass' it without triggering a cooldown.
"searchDelay": {
"min": 300000,
"max": 600000
I use these values, and in the last release anyway I had no points. fixed only by importing the old fingerprint. For me, going below those values means not having points
All of that to say, maybe delete your /dist folder and completely rebuild the script from to make sure there isn't any lingering weirdness with sessions, script pieces, etc (if you haven't already done so)?
Hmm, the only files I re-used were account/config.json and the session folder but maybe a new session would help.
Seems to be a few r/microsoftrewards posts about it lately so it might be triggering more often/randomly for people lately.
I saw the same thing. I dodged the last timeout wave but it seems like I got caught up in this one. Haven't found anything about detecting whether your account is subject to the cooldown or not though (aside from observing the behavior obviously).
fixed only by importing the old fingerprint.
is it better practice to keep fingerprint? I've had my saveFingerprint
set to false
There's a lot stuff unknown about this. however the issue mostly seems to be with generating valid ones at this point.
sorry if it is a dumb quest, but where i place the mobile_fingerprint.json ? cant find one on my folder to replace
sorry if it is a dumb quest, but where i place the mobile_fingerprint.json ? cant find one on my folder to replace
Enable "saveFingerprint" in config.json, then put the file in the /browser/sessions/ where the desktop_cookies.json etc are located.
sorry if it is a dumb quest, but where i place the mobile_fingerprint.json ? cant find one on my folder to replace
Enable "saveFingerprint" in config.json, then put the file in the /browser/sessions/ where the desktop_cookies.json etc are located.
thx for the quick reply, that didn't quite fix my problem, i believe is a Node.js essue for today i will just do it manually
I think I've fixed the issue, going to be running some more tests before releasing the new release. See if this fixes the issue See if this fixes the issue
I'll test, though my activities are completed for the day so please give me a 24hr cycle to see if mobile completes.
Testing with doMorePromotions
and doPunchCards
both set to false
(for #157 and #159). I also have saveFingerprint
set to default (false
) in case that matters. See if this fixes the issue
I'll test, though my activities are completed for the day so please give me a 24hr cycle to see if mobile completes. Testing with
both set tofalse
(for #157 and #159). I also havesaveFingerprint
set to default (false
) in case that matters.
What county are you in, so when I have time, I can make an account for that area, see if I can replicate those activities to add support for these.
Also what specifically in
Just tried to run 1.4.12, got the following error. Note I am using Docker, destroyed the container and rebuilt from scratch:
=> ERROR [microsoft-rewards-script 8/12] RUN ./node_modules/.bin/playwright install chromium 0.5s
> [microsoft-rewards-script 8/12] RUN ./node_modules/.bin/playwright install chromium:
0.420 node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1143
0.420 throw err;
0.420 ^
0.420 Error: Cannot find module 'playwright/lib/transform/esmLoader'
0.420 Require stack:
0.420 - /usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/transform/esmUtils.js
0.420 - /usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/processHost.js
0.420 - /usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/loaderHost.js
0.420 - /usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/loadUtils.js
0.420 - /usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/reporters.js
0.420 - /usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/runner.js
0.420 - /usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/program.js
0.420 - /usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/cli.js
0.420 at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1140:15)
0.420 at Function.resolve (node:internal/modules/helpers:188:19)
0.420 at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/transform/esmUtils.js:26:114)
0.420 at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1364:14)
0.420 at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1422:10)
0.420 at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1203:32)
0.420 at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1019:12)
0.420 at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1231:19)
0.420 at require (node:internal/modules/helpers:177:18)
0.420 at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/processHost.js:10:17) {
0.420 code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND',
0.420 requireStack: [
0.420 '/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/transform/esmUtils.js',
0.420 '/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/processHost.js',
0.420 '/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/loaderHost.js',
0.420 '/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/loadUtils.js',
0.420 '/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/reporters.js',
0.420 '/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/runner.js',
0.420 '/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/program.js',
0.420 '/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/cli.js'
0.420 ]
0.420 }
0.420 Node.js v18.20.4
failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c ./node_modules/.bin/playwright install chromium" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1 See if this fixes the issue
I'll test, though my activities are completed for the day so please give me a 24hr cycle to see if mobile completes. Testing with
both set tofalse
(for #157 and #159). I also havesaveFingerprint
set to default (false
) in case that matters.What county are you in, so when I have time, I can make an account for that area, see if I can replicate those activities to add support for these.
Also what specifically in #159?
Ah my bad, I didn't check to see if PunchCards were fixed in 1.4.12, I'll enable. I had experienced the same error where if Punchcards were enabled searches wouldn't complete.
I'm in Canada - for #157 it seems like you have to search for specific keywords related to the task (example screenshots below):
Just tried to run 1.4.12, got the following error. Note I am using Docker, destroyed the container and rebuilt from scratch:
=> ERROR [microsoft-rewards-script 8/12] RUN ./node_modules/.bin/playwright install chromium 0.5s ------ > [microsoft-rewards-script 8/12] RUN ./node_modules/.bin/playwright install chromium: 0.420 node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1143 0.420 throw err; 0.420 ^ 0.420 0.420 Error: Cannot find module 'playwright/lib/transform/esmLoader' 0.420 Require stack: 0.420 - /usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/transform/esmUtils.js 0.420 - /usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/processHost.js 0.420 - /usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/loaderHost.js 0.420 - /usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/loadUtils.js 0.420 - /usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/reporters.js 0.420 - /usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/runner.js 0.420 - /usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/program.js 0.420 - /usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/cli.js 0.420 at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1140:15) 0.420 at Function.resolve (node:internal/modules/helpers:188:19) 0.420 at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/transform/esmUtils.js:26:114) 0.420 at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1364:14) 0.420 at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1422:10) 0.420 at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1203:32) 0.420 at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1019:12) 0.420 at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1231:19) 0.420 at require (node:internal/modules/helpers:177:18) 0.420 at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/processHost.js:10:17) { 0.420 code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND', 0.420 requireStack: [ 0.420 '/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/transform/esmUtils.js', 0.420 '/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/processHost.js', 0.420 '/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/loaderHost.js', 0.420 '/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/loadUtils.js', 0.420 '/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/reporters.js', 0.420 '/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/runner/runner.js', 0.420 '/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/lib/program.js', 0.420 '/usr/src/microsoft-rewards-script/node_modules/rebrowser-playwright/cli.js' 0.420 ] 0.420 } 0.420 0.420 Node.js v18.20.4 ------ failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c ./node_modules/.bin/playwright install chromium" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1
Yeah I switched libs, so you gotta basically remove everything and reinstall all the packages, including chromium.
Yeah I switched libs, so you gotta basically remove everything and reinstall all the packages, including chromium.
Ok, hmm, then there's likely an issue with the dockerfile since the script and all the packages should be completely removed and completely rebuilt on destroying/rebuilding the container - likely a separate issue specifically for docker.
edit: it looks like the dockerfile may need an update to use rebrowser-playwright to install chromium. I can't figure out how to do that in my testing yet.
Yeah I switched libs, so you gotta basically remove everything and reinstall all the packages, including chromium.
Ok, hmm, then there's likely an issue with the dockerfile since the script and all the packages should be completely removed and completely rebuilt on destroying/rebuilding the container - likely a separate issue specifically for docker.
edit: it looks like the dockerfile may need an update to use rebrowser-playwright to install chromium. I can't figure out how to do that in my testing yet.
I accidently removed the playwright package, added it back, should work now.
I accidently removed the playwright package, added it back, should work now.
Yep, docker container installs now as expected. The issue I'm having is when the script runs, I get the error browserType.launch: Executable doesn't exist at /root/.cache/ms-playwright/chromium-1134/chrome-linux/chrome
When I browse /root/.cache/ms-playwright
its showing chromium-1140
I accidently removed the playwright package, added it back, should work now.
Yep, docker container installs now as expected. The issue I'm having is when the script runs, I get the error
browserType.launch: Executable doesn't exist at /root/.cache/ms-playwright/chromium-1134/chrome-linux/chrome
When I browse/root/.cache/ms-playwright
its showing chromium-1140
Try again, it needs version of playwright "1.47.2" explicitly
I accidently removed the playwright package, added it back, should work now.
Yep, docker container installs now as expected. The issue I'm having is when the script runs, I get the error
browserType.launch: Executable doesn't exist at /root/.cache/ms-playwright/chromium-1134/chrome-linux/chrome
When I browse/root/.cache/ms-playwright
its showing chromium-1140Try again, it needs version of playwright "1.47.2" explicitly
That worked, changed the dependency is package.json for playwright from "^1.47.2"
to "1.47.2"
, script is running now as expected. Doing desktop searches just fine, I'll see if there's mobile left to do and report back. So far so good thanks!
Mobile searches do appear to be working on my end with 1.4.12!
"playwright": "1.47.2",
"saveFingerprint": false,
in my config.json for the recordGood stuff! Thanks for testing. Am going to change up some more stuff, likely change this to 1.5 instead. Will require some docker testing again once I finished the "parallel" functionality.
Good stuff! Thanks for testing. Am going to change up some more stuff, likely change this to 1.5 instead. Will require some docker testing again once I finished the "parallel" functionality.
Happy to help, thanks for all your work! I'll happily test/contribute to the docker implementation once it's ready.
See if this fixes the issue
Didn't fix it for my side sadly, it tries to search but no points are gained so it just changes the user-agent and restarts this whole loop. Here is a example:
[17/10/2024, 19:00:41] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [BROWSER] Created browser with User-Agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Android 10; Linux; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36 EdgA/129.0.2792.84"
[17/10/2024, 19:00:41] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [MAIN] Starting MOBILE browser
[17/10/2024, 19:00:43] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [LOGIN] Already logged in
[17/10/2024, 19:00:43] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [LOGIN-BING] Verifying Bing login
[17/10/2024, 19:00:50] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [LOGIN-BING] Bing login verification passed!
[17/10/2024, 19:00:50] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [LOGIN] Logged in successfully
[17/10/2024, 19:00:57] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [GO-HOME] Visited homepage successfully
[17/10/2024, 19:00:58] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [DAILY-CHECK-IN] Starting Daily Check In
[17/10/2024, 19:00:58] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [DAILY-CHECK-IN] Already claimed today
[17/10/2024, 19:00:58] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [READ-TO-EARN] Starting Read to Earn
[17/10/2024, 19:00:59] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [READ-TO-EARN] Read all available articles
[17/10/2024, 19:00:59] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [READ-TO-EARN] Completed Read to Earn
[17/10/2024, 19:01:06] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [GO-HOME] Visited homepage successfully
[17/10/2024, 19:01:06] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [SEARCH-BING] Starting Bing searches
[17/10/2024, 19:01:07] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [SEARCH-GOOGLE-TRENDS] Generating search queries, can take a while! | GeoLocale: BR
[17/10/2024, 19:01:11] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [SEARCH-BING] 51 Points Remaining | Query: banco central valores a receber | Mobile: true
[17/10/2024, 19:03:27] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [SEARCH-BING] 51 Points Remaining | Query: uruguai x equador | Mobile: true
[17/10/2024, 19:05:14] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [SEARCH-BING] 51 Points Remaining | Query: oab | Mobile: true
[17/10/2024, 19:06:58] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [SEARCH-BING] 51 Points Remaining | Query: espanha x sérvia | Mobile: true
[17/10/2024, 19:08:46] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [SEARCH-BING] 51 Points Remaining | Query: taiwan | Mobile: true
[17/10/2024, 19:11:08] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [SEARCH-BING] 51 Points Remaining | Query: cher | Mobile: true
[17/10/2024, 19:13:25] [PID: 3180] [WARN] [SEARCH-BING-MOBILE] Search didn't gain point for 5 iterations, likely bad User-Agent
Sadly I can't replicate this, it's been working fine for me since the changes
See if this fixes the issueDidn't fix it for my side sadly, it tries to search but no points are gained so it just changes the user-agent and restarts this whole loop. Here is a example:
Try changing the search delay, it's possible you've had cooldown implemented on your account, see this post above.
Didn't fix it for my side sadly, it tries to search but no points are gained so it just changes the user-agent and restarts this whole loop.
@MatadorProBr This is almost certainly because MS has enabled the cooldown for your account. Our only options are configure the script so it has a minimum of 5 minutes delay between every search (although you'd probably want at least 6-7 minutes to be safe) or forget about searches for the time being and hope the cooldown expires.
Personally I'm going with option #2. I can't be bothered to have this script/an extra browser running for 4-6 hours a day just for a handful of reward points, plus I suspect that continuing to use any script for searches while under the cooldown will result in my account getting banned eventually.
If you want to go with the other option, the search delay config linked in the comment above will probably work, though it may be excessively long.
In any case, I don't think our issue is related to the script.
Our only options are configure the script so it has a minimum of 5 minutes delay between every search
It’s probably different region-to-region, but you should be able to get away with 3-4 searches every 5 minutes rather than 1 search/5mins. I posted my cooldowns here, which is my attempt to bring the time down as low as possible. It still takes hours. basalico also posted their cooldowns which were higher/more conservative numbers which would be even safer. It still takes hours to complete, but generally works regardless of cooldown.
It’s probably different region-to-region, but you should be able to get away with 3-4 searches every 5 minutes rather than 1 search/5mins.
Yeah probably, I wouldn't be surprised if different accounts within the same region had different cooldowns either tbh. There's almost no info out there on how MS determines or applies these limits.
FWIW I tested your suggestion (3 searches per 5 minutes) just now but no luck. The first 3 searches gave points like normal, but after waiting 6 minutes and trying to search again I don't get any points. Guessing the restriction on my account is stricter than yours. I'm sure those cooldowns you/basalico posted would work though, so anyone else reading this thread and having the same issues should 100% check those out.
See if this fixes the issueDidn't fix it for my side sadly, it tries to search but no points are gained so it just changes the user-agent and restarts this whole loop. Here is a example:
[17/10/2024, 19:00:41] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [BROWSER] Created browser with User-Agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Android 10; Linux; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36 EdgA/129.0.2792.84" [17/10/2024, 19:00:41] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [MAIN] Starting MOBILE browser [17/10/2024, 19:00:43] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [LOGIN] Already logged in [17/10/2024, 19:00:43] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [LOGIN-BING] Verifying Bing login [17/10/2024, 19:00:50] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [LOGIN-BING] Bing login verification passed! [17/10/2024, 19:00:50] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [LOGIN] Logged in successfully [17/10/2024, 19:00:57] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [GO-HOME] Visited homepage successfully [17/10/2024, 19:00:58] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [DAILY-CHECK-IN] Starting Daily Check In [17/10/2024, 19:00:58] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [DAILY-CHECK-IN] Already claimed today [17/10/2024, 19:00:58] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [READ-TO-EARN] Starting Read to Earn [17/10/2024, 19:00:59] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [READ-TO-EARN] Read all available articles [17/10/2024, 19:00:59] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [READ-TO-EARN] Completed Read to Earn [17/10/2024, 19:01:06] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [GO-HOME] Visited homepage successfully [17/10/2024, 19:01:06] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [SEARCH-BING] Starting Bing searches [17/10/2024, 19:01:07] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [SEARCH-GOOGLE-TRENDS] Generating search queries, can take a while! | GeoLocale: BR [17/10/2024, 19:01:11] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [SEARCH-BING] 51 Points Remaining | Query: banco central valores a receber | Mobile: true [17/10/2024, 19:03:27] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [SEARCH-BING] 51 Points Remaining | Query: uruguai x equador | Mobile: true [17/10/2024, 19:05:14] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [SEARCH-BING] 51 Points Remaining | Query: oab | Mobile: true [17/10/2024, 19:06:58] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [SEARCH-BING] 51 Points Remaining | Query: espanha x sérvia | Mobile: true [17/10/2024, 19:08:46] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [SEARCH-BING] 51 Points Remaining | Query: taiwan | Mobile: true [17/10/2024, 19:11:08] [PID: 3180] [LOG] [SEARCH-BING] 51 Points Remaining | Query: cher | Mobile: true [17/10/2024, 19:13:25] [PID: 3180] [WARN] [SEARCH-BING-MOBILE] Search didn't gain point for 5 iterations, likely bad User-Agent
try this option in config.json file
"searchDelay": {
"min": 300000,
"max": 600000
It will be very slow to complete about 6h/account. But I think it will work
After the update to 1.4.11 the mobile search are not working. If the desktop searches complete the script reopen the chromium in desktop mode not in mobile browser mode because of this the mobile search point is not getting collected.