TheNetsky / Microsoft-Rewards-Script

Automated Microsoft Rewards script, using TypeScript, Cheerio and Playwright.
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Added french translations for the queries.json #183

Open serzak51 opened 1 week ago

serzak51 commented 1 week ago

The queries were made for the english version of microsoft reward, but not for other languages, so if the activities are in another language, then it won't detect them. I inputted the queries into google translation and put them back here, and ajusted the ones i knew to match the activities name. I did the ones i could today, i will update the pull request in the next few days with the ones that i can get (i got a ban wave, most of my accounts got randomly banned, so i'm cautious around this for now) I also got a new search name about the meteo that wasn't in the english version (see the last one), so you might wanna check that out

TheNetsky commented 1 week ago

I assume these are tested and not just direct translations from what are there, since they might use some different wording

serzak51 commented 1 week ago

The one i could test ("vérifier la météo", "Comment se porte l'économie", "qui a gagné", "Temps de jeu" and "Trouver un endroit à découvrir") i tested them, and yeah most of them have one or two different words. the rest i didn't tested them yet, made this today and could only test the ones that microsoft proposed me, so in the next few days i will update the PR with what i can get

Kornion commented 1 week ago

I can confirm that the sentences "Faites vos achats plus vite" works

Kornion commented 1 week ago

However, some tasks are litteraly impossible to do, like the picture I sent (because you have to change search for a place, then actually travel there or use a vpn and then you'll get the points) image

Moreover, I couldn't find the task "Trouvez des endroits où séjourner !" that you added, is it a direct translation ? Same for "Regardons à nouveau ce film !" which is "Et si nous regardions ce film une nouvelle fois?" and "Traduisez n'importe quoi" which is "Traduisez tout" The sentence "Recherchez les paroles d'une chanson" won't get detected, the correct sentence is "Rechercher paroles de chanson" If you want I can share my version of the french queries.json that uses the correct names ;)

serzak51 commented 1 week ago

Yes please, most of them are just google translated, the only ones i could confirm are the correct names are the one that i mentioned on the first commit (appart from "qui a gagné", for some reason it's still output the question as the queries even though it's the correct name The "trouvez des endroits où séjourner !" for example is google translated, and probably correspond to the activity that you mentioned. Also i confirmed that the wording for the activity was good, but i can't really confirm if the proposed queries are also good, because i can never manage to do working queries on my own. "Temps de jeu" queries doesn't seems to be working If what you said is true, maybe there is a way, if the script search for the user/proxy location, it could output the user city, and i guess it would works, since you are already in the city.

serzak51 commented 3 days ago

I am still trying to update the queries.json, but i am having some trouble because microsoft keep giving me the same tasks. There is one that appeared that wasn't one the english version, "Tenez-vous informé des sujets d'actualité", which basically translate to "keep yourself informed". I tried to put some basic queries that should happen most of the days, but i'm not really sure if they works.