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Ruby: HashMap Project: Add new section to test user hash map #28257

Closed JoshDevHub closed 6 days ago

JoshDevHub commented 1 week ago


In this PR for the JavaScript course, additions were made to make it easier for users to test their hash maps. These same additions need to made to the Ruby version of this project (with appropriate translations of the code examples).


Ruby: Computer Science: Project Hash Map

SumonGFC commented 1 week ago

I can do it

elishamutang commented 1 week ago

Ah damn, I thought I was assigned to this haha.

@JoshDevHub sorry I forgot to comment on this issue as I thought I was already assigned without needing to actually comment on the issue. Totally misread your comment from the PR. Looks like @SumonGFC has already worked on it? I was about to create a PR but then I checked on this issue and looks like Sumon has just created a PR for it.

SumonGFC commented 1 week ago

@elishamutang ohhhh sorry I assumed that since Josh posted this issue that it was open. I read the previous PR/issue yesterday and saw that the Ruby course still needed to be updated. But reading your linked PR now I see that new comments were added indicating that you were indeed assigned to this issue. Shall I unsubmit my PR then? (sorry again haha)

SumonGFC commented 1 week ago

@elishamutang closed my PR. You are now free to submit yours. I'll make sure to not repeat this mistake in the future. Sorry once again for the inconvenience.

JoshDevHub commented 1 week ago

@elishamutang Ah yeah sorry for the miscommunication. GitHub doesn't just let me assign any random user to an issue, so you needed to comment here in order for me to assign the issue to you. I should've made that more clear. I can assign you now since you've commented in this issue.

Sorry for the wasted work @SumonGFC :cry: In the future, please wait for a maintainer to assign the issue before beginning work and submitting a PR. That can help avoid situations like this.

elishamutang commented 1 week ago

@SumonGFC No worries man :)

@JoshDevHub Thank you! I've created the PR.