TheOdinProject / discussions

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21 April Standup #8

Closed codyloyd closed 4 years ago

codyloyd commented 4 years ago

Comment here with things you think we ought to hash out in our first standup.

If you missed the discord discussion.. we all have a lot of great ideas, but we don't have any process for properly discussing, planning and implementing them. To facilitate that we've set up a weekly standup on Tuesday at 1300UTC. If you are a TOP moderator, to be added to this meeting DM Andy on discord. (sorry any non-mods seeing this note)

IMO priority #1 needs to be getting a process lined out for how we organize and implement the various initiatives we have.

Tentative Meeting Agenda

I3uckwheat commented 4 years ago

Could be nice to discuss student submissions

I3uckwheat commented 4 years ago

Would also be nice to know if we can make this re-occurring

codyloyd commented 4 years ago

@I3uckwheat it already is

I3uckwheat commented 4 years ago

Examples of why we need a submission process that isn't git