TheOdinProject / odin-bot-v2

The bot that breathes life into our Discord community
ISC License
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Enhancement - Document .env configuration and pre-requisite installs #564

Open developersteve opened 2 months ago

developersteve commented 2 months ago

Complete the following REQUIRED checkboxes:

Some steps are missing from the getting started documentation when deploying bot including the requirement to install redis, and possibly other pre-requisite installations for a successful odin-bot-v2 deployment. Without these installations, it will cause errors to occur related to the REDIS_URL=redis://localhost:6379 line within the env config.

Additionally, it looks like there are some missing configurational .env elements, including some admin-related features as outlined in the config.js file

developersteve commented 2 months ago

Additionally Ive just discovered the api call using the undocumented .env var for the pointsbot_token.

Is there any particular format for the schema on that API so it can be replicated elsewhere, ideally locally?

This token not being set actually causes a crash to happen if there's no token set, this may need some type of case break set to ensure that a message is returned telling the user that they need to have the token configured.

MaoShizhong commented 1 month ago

Thanks for catching that, @developersteve. I've added the redis installation pre-req to the wiki, which should be the only missing pre-req to actually get the bot up and running locally.

@01zulfi do you know more about the points bot mentioned above? And do we also actually need the #getting-hired channel ID as an env variable and not hardcoded into config.js like with the other channel IDs? Since that seems to be the only time it's used.

01zulfi commented 1 month ago

@MaoShizhong thanks for adding Redis on wiki.

Points bot token is required for the bot to successfully create points on the site's db. afaik there's only a production token available. Let me ask the team if there's a dev version of the token available.

And as far as the getting hired channel id, I agree it shouldn't be a env var. Let me fix this.