Closed Vegeta780 closed 7 years ago
why close
Because stupid
oops i don't see where am going my bad
rushing things sorry well any suggestion on my issue
It is not an issue with nonpdrm, so flow was right closing it. You better ask on reddit or certain discord servers, because github is not a right place to ask such a question.
be sure to remove the cartridge from the slot & the bubble of the game before refreshing the live area.
Hello guys greetings And thanks for wonderful app. i downloaded pkg game and extract with pkg_dec i put game folder into ux0:app `# This file is used as an alternative if ux0:tai/config.txt is not found.
For users plugins, you must refresh taiHEN from molecularShell for
changes to take place.
For kernel plugins, you must reboot for changes to take place.
*KERNEL ur0:tai/nonpdrm.skprx
henkaku.skprx is hard-coded to load and is not listed here
main is a special titleid for SceShell
this is for modifying the version string
ur0:tai/henkaku.suprx *NPXS10016
this is for modifying the version string in settings widget
ur0:tai/henkaku.suprx *KERNEL ur0:vitacheat/vitacheat.skprx ` my file nonpdrm.skprx in ur0:tai above is my setting i reboot psvita and load vitashell when i click on refresh livearea refresh0 items x ok
I try many website topic to solve this problem but nothing happen is it beacuse i edit app.db ? or i delete the tai folder in ux0 Thanks in advance