TheOfficialFloW / VitaShell

Multi-functional file manager for PS Vita
GNU General Public License v3.0
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VitaShell won't detect any external USB storage #633

Open jurosic opened 5 months ago

jurosic commented 5 months ago

Trying to connect a USB stick yields no result.

I have USB sticks that have micro-usb connectors, ive tried those, and psvita doesnt see them, ive tried them with different dongles and ive tried different USBs too.

All of them are formatted to msdos(MBR) FAT32. Ive tried ExFat, FAT16 too but that doesnt work either. Ive tried toggling USB power supply in settings but that doesnt change anything. Ive tried rebooting and disabling plugins by holding L and it still doesnt work.

The steps i follow are:


Ive also tried rebooting with the USB in the vita to no avail.

Any help is appreciated!

ghost commented 1 month ago

Connecting USB sticks to the PS Vita using the VitaShell homebrew application can be tricky due to the specific requirements and compatibilities of the Vita's hardware and the software itself. Below are a series of steps and checks to troubleshoot and hopefully resolve the issue you're experiencing.

Basic Checks

  1. Compatibility: Ensure that the USB sticks you are using are compatible with the PS Vita. Some USB drives might not be supported due to power requirements or other hardware limitations.
  2. VitaShell Version: Verify that you are using the latest version of VitaShell. Older versions might have bugs or lack features necessary for USB support.
  3. USB Connection Mode: The PS Vita should be set to the correct USB connection mode. This setting can sometimes be found within VitaShell or the official settings.

Troubleshooting Steps

Since you’ve tried various filesystems and configurations, here’s a structured way to approach the problem:

  1. File System Check:

    • VitaShell primarily supports FAT32. Ensure that the USB stick is formatted as FAT32 with a master boot record (MBR). The allocation unit size (cluster size) should ideally be 32KB or smaller.
    • Use a disk management tool on your PC to reformat the USB stick to ensure it's correctly set up as FAT32.
  2. USB Port and Cable:

    • Since you are using micro-USB USB sticks and possibly an adapter, ensure that the adapter and the port are both functioning correctly. Try the adapter and USB stick on a computer to ensure they are recognized and working.
    • Check the physical connection for any loose fit or poor contacts, especially if an adapter or dongle is used.
  3. VitaShell Settings:

    • Within VitaShell, go to Start -> Settings and check if "Select button" is set to "USB". This ensures that the USB connection is activated through VitaShell.
    • Ensure the USB power supply setting is appropriate. Some USB sticks might require more power, which can be a problem for devices like the PS Vita.
  4. Plugin Conflicts:

    • Disable all plugins (you mentioned doing this by holding L on boot). Some plugins can interfere with VitaShell’s ability to mount USB drives.
  5. Mounting Procedure:

    • Try a different sequence:
      • Start VitaShell, navigate to the root directory.
      • Insert the USB stick.
      • Press Triangle to bring up the menu, and then select Mount uma0:.
      • Check if the USB stick appears in the VitaShell directory.
  6. Logs and Error Messages:

    • Check for any logs or error messages within VitaShell that might give clues as to why the USB isn't being recognized.
  7. Community and Firmware:

    • Ensure your PS Vita is running a compatible custom firmware version that supports USB mounting.
    • Visit forums or communities (such as Reddit’s r/vitahacks) to see if others have encountered similar issues with specific USB models or configurations.

Hardware Test

Final Thoughts

If none of these steps resolve the issue, consider that it might be a limitation or bug within VitaShell itself, especially since you mentioned that this issue has been reported with the app. In such cases, reporting the bug to the developers or checking for updates that fix this issue might be necessary.