TheOldRealms / TOW_Core

This is the offical repository of the Old Realms mod for Mount and blade 2. Feel free to explore the repository, it is publically available. Note that you can't run the Mod without having the needed Assets.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Crash on Village Scenes (Calmfahre and Bernloch) #151

Closed debarr1 closed 3 years ago

debarr1 commented 3 years ago

1.6.2 - Development After Chaos Raiders are raiding Calmfahre village, attacking them caused crash [files] unfortunately not recorded.

Reload and moved back to same village and repeated for another crash as seen here files here.

Just entering the village scene will result in a crash as seen here files here.

debarr1 commented 3 years ago

As above, but with the village of Bernloch, as seen here, files are here.

Also just walking in the village causes crash as seen here, files here.

debarr1 commented 3 years ago

This is an update of this issue as part of an update on current major issues as requested by Xenigma.

This update refers to; TOR_Armory (development) TOW_Core (1.6.4) All other modules on development. All above pulled up to 1210 hours (UTC +0) 2021-10-10

This is not reproducible any further, and old saves, and new saves have been loaded and it no longer crashes. As such this issue is presumed fixed and will be closed.