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Polymer as Metaworks3's template engine #4

Open jinyoung opened 7 years ago

jinyoung commented 7 years ago
<dom-module id="user-view" java=“org.uengine.kernel.User”>


      is: ‘user-view’
     }); // this lets define the methods, properties automatically


if user omits the java attribute, the id will be used as the java classname:

<dom-module id="org.uengine.kernel.User">


      is: ‘org.uengine.kernel.User’
     }); // this lets define the methods, properties automatically


or, by the extended Polymer from metaworks, you only need to mark the module as metaworks, <— this looks best!

<dom-module id="org.uengine.kernel.User” metaworks>


      is: ‘org.uengine.kernel.User’
     }); // this lets define the methods, properties automatically



<dom-module id="org.uengine.kernel.User” metaworks noscripts>
    <paper-button on-tab=“{{_update}}”>

By using Polymer, metaworks doesn’t need to manage:

  1. template engine
  2. object instance system (data binding)
  3. even we don’t manage the metaworks.js at all. !!
jinyoung commented 7 years ago

but we have to implement these metaworks-specific features:

  1. AutowiredFromClient
  2. Auto binding by Returning Object's Class hierarchy.
  3. Reducing data when the object is uploaded by option.
jinyoung commented 7 years ago

Inheritance -

<polymer-element name="icon-button" extends="basic-button">
      <i class="icon"></i><shadow></shadow>
    Polymer('icon-button', {
  ready: function () {
    // gets called once component is ready
    console.log('icon-button ready');

    // call parent `ready` handler

[Note] 'polymer-element' has been changed to 'dom-module'

jinyoung commented 7 years ago

Anatomy of Polymer

  1. Polymer entry point
    window.Polymer = function (prototype) {
    if (typeof prototype === 'function') {
    prototype = prototype.prototype;
    if (!prototype) {
    prototype = {};
    prototype = desugar(prototype);
    var customCtor = prototype === prototype.constructor.prototype ? prototype.constructor : null;
    var options = { prototype: prototype };
    if (prototype.extends) {
    options.extends = prototype.extends;
    var ctor = document.registerElement(, options);
    return customCtor || ctor;
jinyoung commented 7 years ago

How to find DOM elements which are specific Java class -
