TheOpenCloudEngine / uEngine5-base

uEngine5 BPMS that totally re-written in Microservices architecture. uEngine5 can act as not only a conventional Workflow or BPMS but also as a REST api orchestrator or a BPaaS (Business process as a service) of members of OCE's MSA components.
MIT License
10 stars 13 forks source link

Action Buttons in InstanceList #108

Closed jinyoung closed 6 years ago

jinyoung commented 6 years ago

맨 끝 컬럼에 "액션" 컬럼 추가: (그림있음) image

":" 아이콘을 클릭하면 Stop, Suspend, Resume 버튼이 컨텍스트메뉴로 나오고 다음 API를 호출해줌 (Definition > folder와 비슷한 UI):

  http localhost/instance/1/stop
  http localhost/instance/1/suspend
  http localhost/instance/1/resume
kimsanghoon1 commented 6 years ago