TheOpenCloudEngine / uEngine5-base

uEngine5 BPMS that totally re-written in Microservices architecture. uEngine5 can act as not only a conventional Workflow or BPMS but also as a REST api orchestrator or a BPaaS (Business process as a service) of members of OCE's MSA components.
MIT License
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WorkItem Channel Service #118

Open SeungpilPark opened 5 years ago

SeungpilPark commented 5 years ago

Slack Channel

slack api


  1. Add an incoming webhook in your Slack team. The default channel can be overridden for each event.
  2. Paste the Webhook URL into the field below.
  3. Select events below to enable notifications. The Channel name and Username fields are optional.

===Step1. move to link and login Slack Incoming WebHooks

===Step2. copy url and paste to uengine5 webpage

===Step3. (Optional) insert notification chanel per events.

Slack 채널 오버라이드 Incoming webhooks have a default channel, but it can be overridden in your JSON payload. A public channel can be specified with "channel": "#other-channel", and a Direct Message with "channel": "@username".

Slack Itegration UI Example

2018-09-17 12 37 02 2018-09-17 12 37 09

2018-09-17 12 48 55

SeungpilPark commented 5 years ago

Email Channel

Admin. Email html template editor & variable mapping feature

User. just check for receive email.

KaKao talk Channel