TheOpenCloudEngine / uEngine5-base

uEngine5 BPMS that totally re-written in Microservices architecture. uEngine5 can act as not only a conventional Workflow or BPMS but also as a REST api orchestrator or a BPaaS (Business process as a service) of members of OCE's MSA components.
MIT License
10 stars 13 forks source link

Contact API 연동 #123

Open jinyoung opened 5 years ago

jinyoung commented 5 years ago
  1. 구글 SSO 버튼 처리
  2. [프로세스 디자이너] 담당자 지정 UI 에서 Contact List 출력
  3. 워크아이템 핸들러 - 업무중 담당자 지정기능...


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