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Windows ZIP/DLL naming #14

Closed asgrim closed 1 month ago

asgrim commented 2 months ago

@derickr / @asgrim / @shivammathur had previously discussed naming in a 19th March 2024 meeting to ensure the php-windows-builder Github Action was consistent.

PECL names things php_<ext>-<ver>-<phpver>-<ts>-<wincompiler>-<arch>.<dll|zip> currently;

        // Name looks like
        if (!preg_match(",php_([^-]+)-([a-z0-9\.]+)-([0-9\.]+)-(ts|nts)-(v[cs]\d+)-(x86|x64)\.zip,", $zip_name, $part)) {
            return $zip_name;

However Xdebug already had releases out with the ts and compiler flags switched, i.e. php_<ext>-<ver>-<phpver>-<wincompiler>-<ts>-<arch>.<dll|zip>. This was also used in the original discussion doc. We'd agreed on that call to change it to this proposed new format.

However, on further discussion, we have now agreed to revert to using the consistent PECL format. We agree that it doesn't make sense to change it from the current PECL format.

Update the design doc accordingly.