ThePacielloGroup / inclusive-design-principles

A set of principles for designing inclusive web interfaces.
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Some verbiage about "principles, not a checklist"? #42

Closed melanierichards closed 7 years ago

melanierichards commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the opportunity to give feedback! What I think is so awesome about this list of principles is that it asks web creators to consider the big picture experience they're providing for their users (we know well that you can check off all the items on a WCAG checklist and maybe it's still not a great experience). Some folks are new to inclusive design, but are bringing with them an accessibility checklist mentality. For this audience it might be nice to explicitly mention in a couple sentences that these principles are meant to get you thinking about that big picture and making it a core part of your process (kudos on listing out all those "roles" by the way, I think that really does matter! Lots of misconceptions that this work is solely the responsibility of the devs...).

iheni commented 7 years ago

To be addressed in the blog post. Also address in the review.

What the principles are and are not. Difference between guidelines and principles etc.

LJWatson commented 7 years ago

Suggest revising this bit of the intro:

They are intended for use by anyone involved in the design and development of websites and applications: designers, user experience professionals, developers, product owners, idea makers, innovators, artists and thinkers.>

To something like:

They are intended to give anyone involved in the design and development of websites and applications (designers, user experience professionals, developers, product owners, idea makers, innovators, artists and thinkers), a broad approach to inclusive design.>

chaals commented 7 years ago

+1 - as it happens that aligns more closely with how I was looking at translating it...

iheni commented 7 years ago

Updated the intro as per the above. Thanks @LJWatson and @chaals