ThePatr10t / yall-Qaeda

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Feature: Facial Recognition Tags #11

Open shrimpster opened 3 years ago

shrimpster commented 3 years ago

Would be great to apply a facial recognition to the videos and have an icon for each person that connects to all the videos they have been captured. Here is a list of features for this

ThePatr10t commented 3 years ago

Working on it :

Its taking forever, but last night I ran face extraction on over 2000 videos, and isolated 760,000 face images. Most images are repeats of the same person in a video, being tracked frame-by-frame.

The next hard part is clustering of those face embedding vectors, to single out distinct identities.

Overall Im only partially confident this will work. Face recognition works best with large high-res images. In this case, we have many videos with a "sea of faces", all of which are low resolution. Too many are simply too blurry to properly perform recognition on.

Fingers crossed.