ThePatr10t / yall-Qaeda

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Suggestion: Compile videos together and have each marker take you to a timestamp #26

Open raphyjc opened 3 years ago

raphyjc commented 3 years ago

Compiling the 500+ videos into 5 or 6 hour long videos and having each marker redirect to a timestamp could potentially be a good way to temporarily get around Youtube's upload limit. While it's not ideal to have a video that will play beyond when it is supposed to, it is definitely helpful to have a placeholder at the very least in the areas that have not been assigned videos yet. This might also help you get around your issue with Youtube suppressing your uploads. The timestamps will stay the same and hopefully, if the video gets taken down, it should be easy enough to switch the old link with a new one.

ThePatr10t commented 3 years ago

I definitely considered this, but then put down that idea once I started running out of videos that I could find. Many of the yellow markers on the map, currently, I just havent managed to download yet.

I need to check out some of the various torrents floating around to pick up the deficits.